Chapter 14 - Great Expectations

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Warning : some spoiler from Sebastian's potential new project Pumping Black, but I changed the character names and most of the plot details. I also took a scene from the actual script here. Just a head's up.


13320 Mulholland Drive, Los Angeles, California - Wednesday, July 12th 2023 - 3.00 pm

"No! I don't want to go to jail! I'm innocent!" Aurora shouted as she started to run away from them.

"We're really sorry Miss Watson, but it's the best we could do. Better than three months like what the judge originally wanted." The lawyer continued to say.

"Yeah, thank you. I.. I know you did your best." She smiled at the lawyer.

"No! Get away from me! Don't touch me!" Aurora continued to shout as she ran all over the backyard with the two policemen hot on her heels.

Her jaw dropped as she watched the scene unfold before her eyes. Aurora insisted on not being caught but of course she was no match to two big bodied policemen. They succeeded in cornering her near the pool but Aurora decided to jump into the pool, startling everyone.

"Your assistant is.. interesting." One of the lawyers remarked as they watched Aurora swimming in the middle of the pool and refusing to be arrested.

"Yeah, she's one of a kind." She said, laughing internally.

Several minutes later the policemen finally succeeded in catching Aurora as they both decided to jump into the pool as well.

The three of them walked past her, dripping wet and Aurora looked at her in derange.

"This is all your fault! You are going to pay for this! I swear to God, once I get out you will pay for this!" Aurora spat right in front of her face, leaving wet marks on her cheeks.

She wiped Aurora's spit away from her cheeks and continued to look at her as the policemen handcuffed her and dragged her away.

"Miss Watson! Are you okay?" Rosa asked in surprise.

"I'm fine, Rosa. It's just spit and she had the right to do that to me." She replied, smiling wanly at Rosa.

"No one deserves to be treated like this! I can't believe how different she is from the first time we met her! I mean.. breaking and entering? Cursing and spitting at you?!" Rosa asked, dumbfounded.

"Yeah.. I know.. It's like she's a different person isn't she?" She said and Rosa nodded.

"Well, Miss Watson, now that we've done our job, will you excuse us." One of the lawyers said.

"Of course, thank you so much." She said and they finally left after she shook both their hands.

"Are you going to tell Mr.Stan about this?" Rosa asked.

"No, I don't think I will. It will just make him feel bad. I'll just tell him she needs to go out of town or something to visit her family." She replied.

There was no way she was going to tell Sebastian what happened. If he knew, she was afraid of losing the chance of becoming his assistant again once she and Aurora switched back to their own bodies.

"Yes, that's probably for the best. By the way, do you need anyone to replace her and Gabriella? I can probably find someone who needs a job." Rosa offered.

"Umm.. I think I can manage without her for now. As for Gabriella, I'll help clean up whenever I can. So you don't need to do her tasks." She replied.

Rosa's eyebrows shot up at that.

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