Chapter 11 - Spellbound

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13320 Mulholland Drive, Los Angeles, California - Monday, July 10th 2023 - 6.00 am
Sunlight streamed through the curtains in the master bedroom of a castle-like house at Mulholland Drive. The light fell on a sleeping form of a girl on a sofa. The girl slept on her stomach, her cheeks planted on the sofa. She stirred as the sunlight hit her eyes and turned her body around only to find herself falling over the sofa and down onto the floor.

“Ouch!” She exclaimed out loud as her bottom hit the floor.

She immediately sat up and cursed under her breath.

“You're so pathetic.” The voice of another girl drawled from behind the sofa.

Y/n looked up and felt her heart jump as she saw her body sitting on the bed. She thought that maybe she and Aurora would somehow switch bodies again overnight, but apparently that didn't happen. Looking at her own face staring at her like she was dirt in her shoes felt eerie and weird. She sighed and decided to ignore Aurora's comment then slowly stood up.

Aurora had refused to sleep in Y/n's room in the back of the kitchen. Seeing how there were only the two of them in the house every night, they, well more like Aurora, decided that she should still sleep in her own room. But she allowed Y/n to sleep in the same room in case they overslept and Rosa and Gabriella came before Aurora had the chance to sneak into Y/n's room. So there she was that night, sleeping on Aurora's couch. There was no way they were going to sleep in the same bed. Both had agreed on it. So, being the nice girl that she was, Y/n took the couch.

“I'm going to take a shower now. Then you should too. We're leaving at 8.” Aurora commanded as she stood up.

“Yes Miss Watson.” She nodded and sighed.

Aurora went to the adjacent bathroom in the room. She also had refused to use the small bathroom next to Y/n's room and decided to use the bathroom in her own room instead. So they had to take turns to take a shower.

Y/n decided to make up Aurora's bed as she waited. Her hand fluffed up the pillows and tidied up the sheets while her mind went to yesterday.

Amore's marketing manager had shared the list of vendors they used during the gala. They managed to find out that the vendor that provided the herbal potions was called Spellbound Herb. The contact person was a woman named Isadora Vespera, who, Y/n suspected, was the gypsy woman she met. The list included a contact number and address. They had tried contacting the woman through the contact number but the number was out of reach. So they decided to visit the address provided on the list that morning.

Then her mind went to dinner last night with Sebastian and Aurora. It was awkward because both she and Aurora tried not to talk too much for fear that Sebastian would grow more suspicious of them. Seeing how they both stayed quiet most of the time, Sebastian ended up not talking much either and once they all finished their food they immediately went back home. She was rather disappointed at how it turned out but she knew with Aurora around there was no way she could actually talk much with Sebastian.

She finished making up the bed and decided to choose the clothes for her to wear. She hoped she could choose something less tight and revealing like the dress she wore to the audition yesterday. Despite having Aurora's perfect body, she still wasn't comfortable enough to show off her body. She was used to wear clothes that were more modest.

She flipped through dresses, blouses and skirts in the closet, hoping to find jeans or any kind of pants to wear, but Aurora had mostly feminine style clothing. She finally found a pair of jeans at the very back of the closet and a light blue short sleeved cotton shirt. Satisfied with what she found, she brought them both out of the closet.

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