Chapter 6 - Snow Queen

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W76th St, Los Angeles, California - The Next Morning

Y/n grabbed the tube of arnica gel from her dresser, opened the cap and squeezed some of it onto her fingers. Then she applied the gel onto her bruised elbow gently while looking in the mirror. Her mind went back to yesterday afternoon and she couldn't help but blushed.

After the meeting with Aurora was over, Sebastian took her back to her car and helped her call a tow truck. Her car was brought to a repair shop and apparently her car's thermostat was malfunctioning which was why it got overheated. The thermostat needed to be replaced but the repair shop didn't have it in stock and had to order it from the manufacturer. Since it took several days for it to arrive, she ended up hitching a ride with Sebastian again.

She thought he would take her straight to her apartment but instead he went to his apartment first. He insisted on getting the arnica gel he mentioned for the bruise on her elbow. So she ended up getting to see where he lived and even met his dog.

It turned out he lived in a penthouse on Hollywood Boulevard, not far from Go Get 'Em Tiger cafe. She thought he would just stop by for a second and leave her in his car but much to her surprise, he invited her in.

His penthouse was quite beautiful with expensive furniture and top of the line appliances. But it's the view from the windows that won her heart. The penthouse had floor to ceiling windows stretching along its eastern walls facing the city of Los Angeles. Every single room had the huge windows including his bedroom. She couldn't help but think how heaven-like it must be waking up on his bed and having the beautiful view of LA as the first thing one sees upon waking up. Well, seeing his gorgeous face by one's side as they wake up every morning must be heaven-like too. But she knew it was impossible for her to experience so she didn't dare fantasizing too much about it. After witnessing his and Aurora's interaction the day before, she was certain there was no place for her in his heart. Even though his behavior to her after the meeting seemed to indicate he had feelings for her, she tried hard to shrug it off. She kept repeating in her mind that he was being nice.

Yes, he sacrificed his time to help her with her car problem. Yes, he insisted on getting a gel to help heal her bruise from his penthouse. Yes, he invited her up to his penthouse to grab the said gel and introduced her to his dog, Zander. And yes, they ended up spending the afternoon together reading lines from Pumping Black script as he gave her some acting pointers. But she was certain he did all that because he was just being nice. Nothing more. She was certain of it.

Remembering the last fact was something that made her blush again because they read the lines where they were supposed to kiss. He didn't end up kissing her of course and stopped after gently placing his hands on the sides of her face. It would have been alarming to her if he continued. She was sure he wasn't the type to cheat on his girlfriend even though they were technically practicing a scene.

Her mind wandered and she recalled the feelings she felt as she gazed into his beautiful ocean blue eyes and felt his gentle hands upon her cheeks. She remembered all the butterflies she felt in her stomach, the pounding of her heart and the expectation of feeling his lips on hers.

She blinked as reality came crashing back to her and the image of Aurora licking his fingers suddenly came into her mind. He has a girlfriend. She reminded herself and sighed.

She felt the gel had dried up on her skin so she stopped rubbing her fingers on her elbow. He was right, the arnica gel worked wonders. Her bruise seemed to be healing faster than normal as she continued to stare at her elbow in the mirror.

Suddenly she heard a knock on the door.

"Y/n! Your boyfriend is here!" Haley opened the door and her head popped up from behind it. She couldn't help but blush again.

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