Chapter 1 - California

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Six months ago - Silicon Valley, California

"You're fired!" He spat!

Y/n's heart dropped to her stomach as she listened to what her superior just said. Fired? She was fired?!

"But.. Mr.Thomas! It wasn't my fault! I didn't write the update that caused the whole system to go down. It was Jonathan!" She protested. Her mind just couldn't comprehend the devastating fact her superior just spit out.

"But you gave him access to the server so you're responsible for that as well." Mr.Thomas responded while giving her a stern look.

"I.. " She couldn't respond to that. Mr.Thomas was right. She did give Jonathan access to their client's server because he said he was going to fix a bug that he found on the system yesterday. It was supposed to be her job to fix that bug but she had other projects to finish. She didn't have the time to deal with a minor bug. She thought Jonathan was helping her out. But being a junior developer he was not experienced enough to know what he needed to do so he wouldn't cause a disruption throughout the whole system. She should have told him. She, being the senior developer that she was, should've told him.

She sighed in defeat. Finally realizing her mistake and accepting the consequences no matter how devastating it was.

"You have one week to finish all the jobs you are tasked with. After that Renee will take over." Mr.Thomas continued. She didn't know how else to respond so she just nodded.

"I.. I'm sorry Mr.Thomas." She stammered.

"Yeah. Tell that to Accury. Their CEO has been hounding us, telling us they won't pay us for the next six months because of your mistake!" Mr. Thomas replied and her heart plummeted even further.

"Now go and get out of my face!" Mr.Thomas said, looking at her with hatred.

She nodded and immediately left her superior's office. Her eyes welled up with tears as she got out. She closed the door behind her and looked around. The room was uncomfortably quiet. All of her colleagues were looking at her, waiting to see her reaction.

She quickly turned to the left and headed out of her department's office and towards the restroom, trying hard not to cry. She didn't want to face her colleagues just yet.

"Y/n!" She could hear Jonathan calling her name just as she pushed open the door of the office.

"Wait!" Jonathan called out again but she ignored him and continued walking quickly towards the restroom. Tears started to stream down her face and she didn't want Jonathan to see it.

"Y/n.. what happened?!" Jonathan unfortunately caught up with her and successfully touched her shoulder, prompting her to stop.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and sighed. She turned around and saw Jonathan looking at her with his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"He fired me." She simply said.

Jonathan's jaw dropped and his eyes widened in shock.

"What?! But.. but.. I did the update." Jonathan stammered.

"Yeah. I don't know. I guess he deemed I was more responsible. I mean.. it was supposed to be my job anyway, not yours." She shrugged.

"Oh God.. Y/n.. I'm so so sorry." Jonathan reached his hand out and squeezed her shoulder.

"It's fine, Jonathan." She tried hard to smile.

"He should have fired me too but I only got a warning and a pay cut. It's so unfair!" Jonathan protested.

"Yeah. Well. Life can be unfair sometimes." Or most of the time. She grumbled internally, remembering her whole life that was full of unfair conditions in her opinion.

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