Chapter 13 - The Table Read

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Warning : some very minor spoiler of Sebastian's potential new project Pumping Black, but I changed the character names and most of the plot details, so it shouldn't be a problem. I did take the first scene from the actual script and put it here though. Just a head's up.


13320 Mulholland Drive, Los Angeles, California - Tuesday, July 11th 2023 - 7.00 am


"Y/n.. Y/n..! Wake up!" A harsh shrill female voice entered her consciousness and she felt her body being shook harshly.

She opened her eyes and found her own body looking down at her in annoyance from behind thick glasses. Relief filled her heart as she realized she was still stuck in Aurora's body.

"What time is it?" She asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

"It's 7! You have to get ready for the table read!" Aurora commanded and she sat up immediately.

The table read! Yes, the rehearsal and table read for Pumping Black was happening that day at 9 in the morning!

"Seb is coming in an hour." Aurora reminded her.

"Yes, I know." She immediately stood up and went to the closet to grab some clothes but Aurora pulled her hand back.

"I already prepared the clothes for you." She pointed towards the bed.

"Oh, okay. Thanks." She nodded.

"Stop.." Aurora said.

"Thanking people? Even you?" She asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Even me." Aurora nodded and she shook her head in disbelief.

"Why though?" She asked as she grabbed the clothes from the bed.

"I just don't do that. I thought you wanted to make sure you behave like me so people won't be suspicious? I want to make sure you remember that." Aurora stated.

"Okay, yeah, that's true. But it's not a bad thing to change that behavior." She shrugged.

"Hmm.. we'll see." Aurora said and she raised her eyebrows. Her behavior seemed off a little bit, but she decided to brush it off. She needed to get ready so she turned and went towards the bathroom.

When she got out of the bathroom Aurora was nowhere in sight. She assumed Aurora must have gone out and went downstairs. Maybe to the employee kitchen or her bedroom so Rosa and Gabriella wouldn't be suspicious.

She went to the closet and put on a black blazer over the white strapless mini dress she had worn in the bathroom earlier. Then she looked at herself in the full body mirror in the closet. Once again she felt like the dress was too short. She pulled the hem of her dress down and sighed. Well, Aurora did have slim and smooth thighs, she knew she loved to show it off. She was just still not used to it.

She went to the dresser and she found instructions from Aurora again on how to put on her makeup. She sighed as she realized that the make up Aurora had chosen was again too much for her taste. But of course she had no choice but to follow along.

Once she was done putting the makeup on she slipped on the black stiletto Aurora already prepared for her. She wobbled a little but finally got the hang of it after a while.

She grabbed her purse and went out of Aurora's room. She was about to go down the stairs when she heard faintly the voice of someone crying.

She stopped in her tracks and turned around to try to find the voice. It seemed the voice was coming from the living room on the second floor so she went towards it.

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