Chapter 19 - Nightmare

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Somewhere in Los Angeles, California - August 14th 2023, 9.30 am

The silence in the car was deafening as she registered the information Aurora just gave her.

Her mother had cancer?!

Her heart dropped to her stomach as she heard it. It couldn't be!

"Give me the phone." Y/n said, her voice shook as she felt her heartbeat raised and her whole body felt weak.

Aurora immediately gave her cellphone to her and watched as she called her father's number.

"Hello." Her father answered.

"Dad.. mom has breast cancer?" She asked, blinking rapidly as she tried to stop herself from crying.

"Y/n? Yes, I.. I just told you. Wait.. you sound different." Her dad responded and she sighed.

"Ahem... yes.. I.. I was crying a little." She said, trying to make her sound more like herself.

"Oh honey. I've been wanting to tell you but your mom wouldn't let me." Her father replied and she raised her eyebrows.

"But why? Why wouldn't she let me know?"

"She.. umm.. She didn't want to bother you. You have been out of work for months and this is your first job after getting laid off so she didn't want to cause trouble for you."

"Oh mom.. " She sighed again. Her mother's selfless behavior was something she admired and inherited but sometimes it was too much.

"Besides, we weren't sure. There was a couple of weeks wait until the whole diagnosis came out and it finally came out today and well... it's not good."

"Oh dad.. I'm so sorry." She couldn't help but feel tears streaming down her face.

"Yeah.. me.. me too." Her father sniffled and she couldn't help but cry even more.

"How is she now?" She asked, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"She's.. Well.. as fine as someone with breast cancer can be. You know it has spread to her lungs but it's not big. The doctors are telling her to get surgery, chemo and radiation. But, we need to talk to you before we decide anything because you know.. There are probably alternatives out there that we can try. We need to ask your opinion on them."

"Oh.. yeah. There are alternatives aside from conventional treatments."

"Yeah.. so.. I think it's best if you could come here so we can figure this out together as a family."

"Yeah.. yeah.. Of course, dad. I'll come there as soon as I can."

"Great! Thank you so much sweetie. Let me know when you're going to come."

"I will."

"Okay. Bye now. Love you sweetie."

"Bye dad. I love you too.. And tell mom I love her too."

"I will."

And with that she finally hung up the phone. As soon as she hung up she started crying again. She couldn't believe what was happening. One moment she was happy with Sebastian and now suddenly she was faced with the possibility of losing her mother for good?

"I'm.. sorry.." Aurora said and she sniffled. She wiped the tears from her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Thank you, Aurora."

"So.. what are you going to do?" Aurora asked.

" we need to go and visit my parents. I can't let you go alone."

Too Good To Be True (Sebastian Stan x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now