IV - The House Party

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"𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚 particles go through gold foil, they become...?" Barb reads off our chemistry note cards as I walk with between the two girls.

"Unoccupied space," Nancy and I say at the same time. We glance at each other and smile, confident for our test.

"A molecule that can—"

Barb is interrupted when Steve snatches the note cards out of her hands and starts reading them. Tommy H. and Carol move up from behind Barb and I.

"Hey!" Nancy scolds Steve who seems to be enjoying himself.

"I don't know," Steve says, "I think you've studied enough, Nance."

"Steve—" I say giving him a look which he ignores.

"I'm telling you, you know, you guys got this." Steve says, "Don't worry."

"Now onto more important matters," He continues and I roll my eyes, "My dad has left town on a conference and my moms gone with him 'cause, you know, she doesn't trust him."

"Good call." Tommy jumps in with a smirk.

"So, are you in?" Steve asks Nancy hopefully.

"In, for what?" Nancy asks.

"No parents, big house." Carol says.

"A party, Nance," I lean over to whisper to her, "It's a party."

"A party?" Nancy says, still unsure.

"Ding, ding, ding." Carol replies and Tommy chuckles.

"It's Tuesday...?" Nancy says.

"It's Tuesday." Tommy mocks Nancy, him and Carol laugh at her comment.

"C'mon, it'll be low key, it'll just be us." Steve says trying to convince Nancy to join, "What do you say? Are you in or are you out?"

"Um—" Nancy starts.

"Oh god. Look." Carol says disgusted.

We all turn and see Jonathan Byers hanging up a poster for his missing brother. My eyes soften at the sight, I feel for him and his mom. I can't imagine what they're going through.

"Oh, god. That's depressing." Steve comments. I shoot his a glare, and he looks over at me with a "what" look.

"Should we say something?" Nancy asks, clearly feeling for him too.

"I don't think he speaks." Carol says rudely.

"How much you wanna bet he killed him?" Tommy says.

"Dude, shut up." Steve says and hits Tommy on the arm.

I send a grateful look in Steve's direction and he gives me a warm smile on return. Then I turn to walk over to Jonathan, Steve's gaze following closely behind.

"Hey, Jonathan." I say with a sad smile.

"Oh, hey (Y/n)." He says glancing back at my group of friends, where Nancy waves with a sympathetic look.

"Any sign of him yet?" I say glancing at the poster he just put up.

"No, not yet." Jonathan replies, following my gaze.

"How are you and Joyce doing?" I ask, picking at my cuticles nervously.

"We're doing." He replies sadly.

"Don't worry, they'll find him," I say, rubbing his arm in reassurance, "If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask, okay?"

"Thanks (Y/n)," Jonathan replies with a small smile.

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐧 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | Steve Harrington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now