XXXVIII - Interrogate Me

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"𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐚!" 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 giggles, as Erica and Robin pull on our arms, causing us to stumble our way through the empty hallway that connects all the shops in the mall.

"Where are we going?" Erica asks my brother, whose leading the five of us, with a determined expression on his face.

"Just trust me." Dustin replies, before cracking open the door and peeking his head through.

Steve and I giggle at the sight of my brother checking if the coast is clear, turning his head back and forth. Finally, satisfied that it is indeed safe to enter the movie theater, he turns back around towards us.

"All clear." My brother says, before carefully walking into the theater, with the rest of us following closely behind.

The five of us quickly and quietly make our way out of the door and through another little hallway, leading us into the movie theater. My eyes light up when I notice a bright, colorful poster for the movie, "Back to the Future". I momentarily freeze in place, distracted by the sight, until Robin tugs at my sleeve, hurrying me forward. I glance at Steve who's digging through the trash, before grabbing a half-empty bag of popcorn, and playfully shaking it in my face with a wide grin. I let out a giggle before my brother pushes open the double doors to the cinema.

"Doc!" Alex P. Keaton shouts to the older man beside him on the giant screen in front of me, and my eyes widen with shock.

"What did I tell you!?" The older man, presumably 'Doc' yells happily, turning around before lifting his hands into the air and jumping up and down, "Eighty-eight miles per hour!"

"Come on." Dustin whispers, gesturing for us to follow him through the dark theater where everyone is silently watching the film in front of them.

"You two, sit." Dustin demands, pointing his finger down towards the two empty seats in front of him.

"No, no, no!" I whine as Steve and I sit down in the chairs and he plops a piece of popcorn into his mouth, "These seats are too close!"

"Dude, these seats blow." Steve complains, before turning to me with a smile and a piece of popcorn in his hand.

I smile and nod, before opening my mouth wide, and Steve chucks a piece of popcorn at my face. My smile immediately fades when the popcorn kernel hits my eye, and I'm blinded by the salt that is left behind. I instantly start rubbing my eyes, hoping to get the grains out and my sight back as Steve winces, whispering an apology before I hear my brother groan in front of us.

"Then don't watch the movie." Dustin whisper-shouts with the roll of his eyes in response to our antics.

"We wanna watch it." I retort firmly, narrowing my eyebrows at my little brother.

"Then watch it!" Dustin snaps loudly, causing the man behind to shoot us dirty looks before leaning forward.

"Shh!" The man shushes us, only for me to turn around with a smile and do that same to him.

"Shh!" I whisper-yell, causing the man's eyes to widen before leaning back into his seat and grumbling something inaudible.

"Sorry," Dustin whispers to the man, holding his hand up gently, before turning his attention back towards Steve and I, "Whatever you do, don't... go... anywhere."

"Fine, dad." Steve replies with a smirk, causing me to laugh, letting out a few snorts before grabbing a handful of Steve's popcorn, and turning to watch the movie.

We watch for a little while, but I'm completely lost. I glance at Steve and try to get his attention, not knowing what's going on with the movie. Finally, I start poking his cheek to grab Steve's focus, causing him to turn towards me, before I nod towards the door.

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐧 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | Steve Harrington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now