XXI - Hawkins Lab

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"𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 that was Dart?" Lucas asks, as the five of us walk along the railroad tracks in the middle of the night.

I walk alongside Steve, with my brother on my other side. I have a firm grasp upon Steve's hand, and I realize I hadn't been inclined to protest this action, when Steve first slipped his hand into mine at the beginning of our trek. I remain quite comfortable with Steve's hand gently clasped to mine, as we move forward through the night, with the silent company of one another.

"Yes." Dustin responds immediately, a little irritated, "He had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt."

"He was tiny two days ago." Max states, just as annoyed.

"Well, he's molted three times already." Dustin retorts.

"Malted?" Steve asks, cutely confused.

"Molted." I correct, smiling slightly to myself, "You know, shed his skin to make room for growth," I shrug and Steve glances at me still confused.

"Like hornworms." Dustin adds.

"When's he gonna molt again?" Max asks from her place behind us.

"It's gotta be soon." My brother replies instantly, "When he does, he'll be fully grown, or close to it." Dustin explains shining his flashlight on the tracks.

"And so will his friends." I add.

"Yeah, and he's gonna eat a lot more than just cats." Steve says without thinking.

"Wait, a cat?" Lucas questions, grabbing Dustin's shoulder, "Dart ate a cat?"

"No. What? No." My brother says shaking his head at his friend.

"What are you talking about?" Steve asks, as we come to a halt, turning to face my brother, "He ate Mews." He shrugs lightly.

"Mews? Who's Mews?" Max asks, turning toward Steve and I.

"It's Dustin's cat." Steve responds simply.

"Steve!" Dustin shouts at my best friend, before Lucas shoves his shoulder lightly.

"I knew it!" Lucas yells angrily, "You kept him!"

"No! No." Dustin splutters and Lucas tilts his head, raising an eyebrow, "No, I... No, I..."

"Did you ever seen him?" Lucas cuts my brother off and faces me.

"Only when he was eating Mews." I say casually.

"(Y/n)! C'mon!" Dustin yells in my direction and I hold my free hand up in defense.

"He missed me. He wanted to come home." Dustin finally admits, desperately trying to explain himself.

"Bullshit." Lucas replies firmly.

"I didn't know he was a Demogorgon, okay?" Dustin defends himself.

"Oh, so now you admit it?" Lucas hisses narrowing his eyes at his friend.

"Guys, who cares?" Max says, grabbing both of the boys' attention, "We have to go."

"I care! You put the party in jeopardy!" Lucas shouts, pointing at my brother, "You broke the rule of law!"

"So did you!" Dustin snaps back.

I let out a soft sigh, as I continue to hold Steve's hand and take note of the subtle roll of his eyes and shake of his head, in response to the boys arguing in front of us. I then make use of this opportunity to gently squeeze Steve's hand, as I move closer to him, in search of the warmth and comfort his presence provides.

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐧 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | Steve Harrington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now