XXVIII - Suzie, Do You Copy?

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"𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭." Dustin sighs, as he drops his duffel bag on the ground and grips the straps of his backpack.

"Yeah, only took five hours." Max pants, before placing her hand on my shoulder to catch her breath.

"Why couldn't we just play D&D?" Will asks, as we all set down our bags of the unassembled radio tower.

"I'm so thirsty." Lucas mumbles, taking off his backpack and twisting off the cap of his canteen

Lucas lifts the canteen to his mouth, downing the rest of the bottle as Max and I watch with our eyebrows pinched together, sending glares towards the boy.

"Did you seriously just drink the rest of our water?" Max asks, tilting her head slightly, before Lucas's eyes go wide.

"Lucas, come on," I sigh, "That was supposed to be for all of us."

Lucas quickly spits some of the water he was drinking back into the canteen before lifting it up to Max and I with a big cheesy smile of his face. Max and I share a brief look before I notice her roll her eyes and I can't help but shake my head at Lucas's antics, before we head over to Dustin's side, ready to help him set up Cerebro.

The five of us work together and begin screwing poles together, wrapping wires around them, and doing all the necessary work needed to build the satellite. We continue even as the sun starts to set, casting a warm glow through the sky, as we push up the tower, stepping back to admire the final product in all it's glory.

"Pretty impressive, right?" Dustin says proudly.

"Yeah." I mumble, looking up at the top of the tower.

"Now, you ready to meet my love?" Dustin asks, turning towards us with a smile.

"Okay, sure." Max responds, clearly unimpressed.

"Yeah." Will says.

Dustin drops down onto the ground and I plop down beside him, slightly exhausted after all of the hard work in the summer heat. The rest of our friends stand in front of us, watching with anticipation as my little brother picks up his radio, turns it on, and brings it up to his mouth.

"Suzie, this is Dustin." My brother speaks into the mic, "Do you copy? Over."

The radio remains silent, aside from the sound of static filling the speakers. I let out a frustrated sigh and lay down on the grass, letting my body relax and sprawl out after the long day.

"One sec." Dustin says, holding up a finger before scratching under his eye nervously, "She's probably... She's still there."

"Suzie... This is Dustin. Do you copy? Over." My brother says with a little more hesitation.

The hissing static continues to emit from the other side of the radio, the noise becoming increasingly annoying to us all as we grow restless and impatient for some kind of response. Max, Lucas, and Will, shift uncomfortably with growing irritation towards their friend.

"I'm sure she's there," My brother mumbles, glancing up at his friends, "It's just—"

"Yeah." Lucas nods, with his arms crossed.

"You know, maybe she's, like, busy or—" Dustin continues.

"Yeah." I pipe in, sitting up and placing my hand on my brother's shoulder.

"It's around dinnertime." Dustin shrugs, "Here."

We nod, letting out simultaneous hums and I glance at my brother sympathetically.

"Yep." Max mumbles, rolling her eyes.

"Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over."

Still no response and I watch as the sun sets lower and lower past the horizon.

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐧 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | Steve Harrington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now