XIV - New Kids On The Block

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𝐀𝐬 𝐈 approach Hawkins High School, I take in the bustling parking lot, the scene filled with many students going about their morning. I set my bike on the rack, lock it up, and start to make my way towards the building, my eyes slowly taking in the atmosphere. The sun is shining brightly, the morning glow causing long shadows to cast across the grounds. The sound of chatter and the smell of cigarettes fills the air as I walk.

As I pass the parking lot, my eyes land on the familiar sight of Steve's maroon car parked in a spot. I see Nancy in the passenger seat, both of them engaged in a deep conversation. My eyes immediately catch Steve's gaze, causing my heart to pound in my chest. He's the first to send a little two-finger wave and a smile in my direction which causes butterflies to flutter alive in my stomach. I wave back, my eyes moving to Nancy as she finally glances up and sends a bright smile and another wave.

I don't get very far away from Steve's car when I hear the engine of a car revving. Steve and Nancy climb out of his car and I stand next to the girl. As my eyes catch a black Chevrolet Camaro whipping into the parking lot, tires screeching against the tarmac. I stop and watch in interest, the sound drawing in other members of the student body. My curiosity grows and I wonder who could be making such a dramatic entrance.

A girl with fiery red hair climbs out the passenger side and skates up the road, quickly disappearing from sight as she heads towards the middle school. Meanwhile, a boy about my age, clad in all denim with blonde hair and stunning eyes, climbs out of the drivers side in an almost slow-motion manner, sending all the girls around swooning. He looks around with a smirk, locking eyes with mine and sending me a wink before taking a drag of his cigarette and tossing it away. Glares come my way from the other girls, but I merely roll my eyes and cross my arms, unfazed by the attention.

"Who is that?" Nancy asks with her eyes locked on the boy.

"I have no idea," I say glancing towards Steve, who looks slightly jealous, "But I honestly don't care." I add, walking towards the building.

I reach my locker, unlocking it and grabbing my books before shutting it and preparing to head towards my first class. As I shut the locker door, however, I'm met with the new boy standing there with a smug look on his face. Our eyes meet and I take a deep breath and brace myself for whatever this interaction might hold.

"I saw your pretty face out there and knew I had to introduce myself the first chance I got," The boy says, leaning against a nearby locker while crossing his legs, "Billy Hargrove, and you are?" He says, giving me his hand to shake.

"None of your concern." I retort, attempting to move past him but instead he grabs my hips, keeping his rough hands firmly planted there.

"Feisty, I like it." Billy smirks, leaning towards me, his breath fanning over my face. "So, what's your name?" He whispers into my ear making me shudder.

"Get off me, you perv." I say, trying to push him away but his grip is too strong and I struggle against it. This causes a scene in the hallway as other students watch me squirm against Billy.

"She said, get off." I hear Steve's furious voice from behind me.

Billy surprisingly lets go of my hips, stepping back and eyeing Steve up and down, sizing him up. Steve stands his ground, despite being slightly shorter than the new boy, glaring at him defiantly as he takes a defensive stance. A tense moment passes between the two, the tension in the air thick.

"Oh? And who are you?" Billy spits out with a raised eyebrow, "The poor excuse for a boyfriend?"

"No, I have a girlfriend." Steve says quietly, breaking eye contact by looking down to his shoes.

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐧 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | Steve Harrington x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now