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Hoarding goods in the last days, I will win with hundreds of billions of supplies

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Chapter 391 It's a pity to ruin it, buy it

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    In response to these questions, the officials are also brainstorming, hoping that some capable people can answer them.

    "Supernatural powers have appeared, maybe they really exist, but unfortunately we don't know about them."

    Lan Su and Fu Shiyu listened quietly to everyone's discussion, and secretly glanced at each other.

    They didn't speak, the door connected by the jade finger might be the entrance to the parallel world.

    But it is unrealistic to bring survivors from all over the country to another world, where humans may still exist.

    Too many people passed by, like invaders, who knows what kind of disaster it will cause over there.

    If you can't believe it, she will definitely not take it with you.

    "Next, I hope everyone pays attention. If there are any strange visions, you must report them."

    The person in charge urged, and continued to talk about the discoveries of his own people during this period of time.

    Lan Su and Fu Shiyu listened quietly without expressing any exclamation.

    They are selfish in hiding this secret, but they are not selfless enough to sacrifice themselves and help strangers desperately.

    There are too many things about people crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, and their current abilities are not invincible.

    "Although those atavistic beasts have not dealt with humans now, we can't be careless."

    These atavistic mutant beasts will also hunt and kill other mutant creatures, snatching their crystal nuclei to improve themselves.

    Even mutated plants, they dare to provoke.

    They once discovered that mutated plants were crushed, and ancestral beasts were strangled by mutated plants, and both sides suffered losses.

    "Today's meeting will come here first, and tomorrow we will discuss and supplement what you have raised."

    The meeting ended after three hours, and many people left the venue one after another.

    Many people said that they will keep a part of the crystal nucleus in the future, and use the extra crystal nucleus as much as possible to support the official development.

    After all, it is not free, and they can get back what they want, and the government has worked hard all these years, and the country is relatively stable.

    Some areas abroad have been completely released, and there is chaos.

    "The hotel has prepared dinner, and it will be served until 8:00 pm. If you are not in a hurry, you can go to the department store first." "If you have other

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