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Hoarding goods in the last days, I will win with hundreds of billions of supplies

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Chapter 281 Sending a pennant again

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    "Thank you Mr. Lan, you are a good person."

    Lan Su looked indifferent, "Don't be in a hurry, you need to come to generate electricity, and you need to pay rent, one crystal nucleus per person." One crystal nucleus allows them to take

    away a bucket of ten liters of seawater, as for how much it can purify, she doesn't care.

    Half of it is available. If it is drunk and processed and cooked, it is enough for one person to eat for more than three or four days.

    Slightly more expensive than official, but many people say yes.

    "Then register and bring your own water storage tools."

    After arranging a special person to be in charge of this matter, the gang started.

    However, Lan Su didn't let them enter Mid-Levels Huafu.

    Instead, build a water house outside the fence, turn on the electricity, and take the generator to them.     It's all their joint efforts, and no one else wants to come in and enjoy what they have accumulated.     "Then if you have an idea, consider us."     It was a pity, but they didn't dare to look unhappy, for fear of leaving a bad impression.     A few days later, Pharaoh came to Mid-Levels Washington.     "Wang Bureau, are you here to send the pennant again?"     Seeing him appear, everyone was getting used to it, and Meng Jun and others who were patrolling the fence began to say hello.     "That's right, Mr. Lan is at home, right?"     "Yes."     Lao Wang and the others are familiar people, and they allow him to bring people in without waiting.     After entering the enclosure, look at the well-ordered cisterns around, and then look at the houses and surrounding sanitation.     They couldn't help showing admiration in their eyes, "You guys are nice here, it makes me want to retire here."

    If it's good, it's a three to seven share with the people in the outer circle. They are also willing to help and enjoy the benefits together.

    "Oh my God, look, this half-mountain Huafu is like a paradise!"

    After entering, the group of people saw the situation inside, and all showed envious expressions.

    The site inside is spacious and the sanitation is good, except for the wind and sand on the ground.

    They have a feeling of going back to before the end of the world, and they feel so safe!

    "Hey, I want to join, brother, are you still short of people? I'm a wood-type superhuman." "I'm a


    Unable to join Lan Su and the others, these people set their sights on the teams in the outer circle.

    Being able to join is one of them, and you have that opportunity to enjoy what is here.

    "Sorry, it's full."

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