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Hoarding goods in the last days, I will win with hundreds of billions of supplies

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Chapter 471 Moved Someone's Cake

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    Now at their age, they don't need to worry about the children's affairs, they have their own opinions.

    The rest of the time is spent slowly.

    "Okay, we can plan the route when the time comes."

    Lan Su thought that Fu Shiyu's proposal was very good. He would stay at a friend's house for a few days and then take a walk around in another place.

    Wandering around in a circle can pass a lot of time, and you can also see the scenery characteristics of different regions.

    Fu Shiyu nodded with a smile, held her in his arms, and watched the boat gradually disappear into the distant sea.

    "It's windy, let's go back."


    Coming here, Fu Chenxing used his status as a national teacher to make suggestions and give some support to Emperor Longyan.

    Soon, many schools were opened all over Longyan country.

    Some people who immigrated with Lan Su had a high level of education, and quickly learned the knowledge of literature here, and became teachers among them.

    Because they take the essence and discard the dross, their teaching methods are easy to understand, and many people want to enter the school even if they are overwhelmed.

    "My emperor's grace, let our common people be able to read and write."

    Fu Chenxing did not do these things in his own name, but gave Emperor Longyan face, and he won a good name.

    Let him do this part, "I trust you, Teacher of the State."

    Fu Chenxing smiled, "I will not disappoint Big Brother, you just wait."

    With books to read and things to do, the people are busy with hard work, hoping to make their next generation stand out by reading.

    There were very few people going astray, and the law and order in the whole country was obviously much more stable. Emperor Longyan saw it and was very happy.

    But there were also people who couldn't see that Fu Chenxing had such power and wanted to encourage Emperor Longyan to cross the river and demolish the bridge.

    "Your Majesty, this national teacher's thoughts and skills are so special, the old slave is worried that he will have two minds, and His Majesty has to guard against it." The

    emperor took a serious look at this confidant, he was still a little embarrassed in his heart, and he had already thought about what to say next.

    He didn't expect to hear words that made his scalp tingle.

    "Come here, this person dared to break the trust of me and the national teacher, dragged him out and beheaded him!" "

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