men & coffee

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Staring up at the bedroom ceiling, my index finger dances across his gold band as the sound of his snores fill the air around us... I really haven't miss that, not at all.

I could hardly sleep last night, my mind would not stop racing.

I haven't talked to Lindsey since Saturday morning, when I called him to tell him that there was no way I could go to Santa Cruz for that concert. Of course, he was very understanding- he knows that I have other obligations and sadly, they simply couldn't wait. But I still feel bad, really bad that I totally ditched him... I wanted to go.

I know it sounds wrong, especially now that I have my husband home and life back to the way it was, but Lindsey really does make me feel better.

I really like who I am when I'm with him and I can't help that, even if I wanted to.

"Mom?" She whispers, causing me to slide up the bed almost immediately.

I smile softly when my eyes meet Joplins. She's been here since we got home, helping with the kids and her father... She really is my rock- always has been.

As slowly and as gently as possible, I toss my legs over the edge of the bed and then I tip-toe across the hardwood floor, silently praying he doesn't wake up quite yet... terrible, I know.

"Good morning, honey." I wink lightly as I step into the hallway, leaving the door to our bedroom open enough to hear him if he needs me.

"I knew you'd be awake." She half giggles, holding her long, bohemian nightgown in one hand as she leads the way down the staircase.

Sighing softly, "You know me well," I respond, flipping on the kitchen light and glancing over at the clock hanging above the table... It's not even four in the morning quite yet. "Coffee, or tea?" I know we're up for the day now- we do this more often then not.

When she was a teenager, before she left for college, we used to spend almost every summer night in this kitchen, making cookies at two in the morning and having long conversations at midnight... I don't think there was anything she ever kept from me. We were like glue and when she's back home, tucked away in the same bedroom she's had for twenty- four years, we're just as inseparable.

"Coffee, please." She half smirks, sliding onto a barstool at the island.

"Oh, how was your meeting with the music people." I hold a hand up in the air, waving slightly as I start the coffee pot.

I try to stay in the know of her life, I really, seriously do, but it's hard. Joplin is so in love with the world of music- I was too at one time, though her love for this art is a tad bit different... I was devoted enough to learn how to play the piano, write a couple of songs and I even drove across the country with three of my girlfriends just to go to Woodstock. And then there's Joplin, who has always wanted to sing on stage, while her sister dreamt of wearing pantsuits and sitting at a desk all day.

She's my wild child.

"Mom," her eyes grow wide, causing me give her my full attention. I just love the enthusiasm. "It was so fucking cool!" Joplin thinks anything related to music is cool, even the hard parts like recording the same song a million times over to perfect it.

Another smile tugs at the corners of my mouth as I slide the coffee cup across the counter towards her. "I am so glad to hear that, my girl." I am- she deserves this, even if it's costing her father an arm and leg.

"And the men, mom..." she pauses, shaking her head softly. "I literally encountered only like four and I am still amazed." She giggles, bringing her cup up to her mouth to take a quick sip.

"Amazed?" Raising a brow, I sink hack into the island a little further. "Amazed at...?" I linger for a moment, certain that she isn't going to say their talents.

"They're all so freaking hot," she holds up her hands, gesturing with wide eyes.

"Hmm," I nod my head, a smirk trailing across my face. "Does Brady think they're cute too?" I have to tease, though I know Brady is far from controlling... I'm sure he really doesn't mind her flirting, which is odd but true.

Tossing her head back, she lets out a loud laugh. "He should be worried... I bet I can get one of those old rich guys to ask me to dinner before the week is over." She winks lightly, picking apart one of the blueberry muffins I made last night.

Sighing a little, I let the room go silent. "Are you going to hang out here with us for awhile?" I don't mean to change the topic so abrupt, but I'm not ready for her to leave.

I know that sounds selfish- she has an apartment and a life that simply doesn't revolve around her father and I anymore.... But I still need her, a lot.

"Of course, I will." She assures, a soft nod following her words. "I'll be here as long as you need me, mom."


"Hi, there." Her voice causes me to smirk as I swirl around in my office chair for the fourth time since I dialed her number.

"Hey, beautiful." My eyes stay plastered to the ceiling as I pause in the center of the room just to listen to her. "I've missed you." I have missed her, a lot actually.

She's fun- a type of fun that I haven't experienced in a lot of years. She likes adventure, she likes good food, she likes to laugh and she's real. She's the kind of real that you just can't help but fall in love with.

"I'm really sorry about Saturday," I can hear a deep sigh escape her, "I was really looking forward to it." Stevie assures, a little giggle following her words.

"No, worries." I shake my head- almost like she's able to see me. "You're busy, I get that." I do- I mean, she has kids, grandkids, a sick husband and she's trying to sell a new book... That's a lot of shit to worry about.

"I've missed you as well." She recounts, "Would you like to meet for coffee tomorrow morning?"


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