music in the sand

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"So?" Turning in the passenger seat gently, I scan him over for a short moment, though I'm trying hard not to make it too obvious. "How long have you been a musician?" I mean, if we're going to lunch with a semi- long drive, we might as well get to know one another... like friends would do, y' know?

He cracks a smile, one hand on the wheel as the other hangs out causally on his leg. "I've been playing since I was kid, but I've been working with studio bands for about thirty- five years." The way he glances over causes my heart to race. There is something inevitably attractive and sensual about his entire aura... I'm so, unintentionally drawn to him.

"Wow!" I emphasize, eyes a little wide as I nod my head softly. "That's really cool." I think it is really cool to be able to do something you love as a living... Not many people get the chance to live out their dreams and I'm another one of those individuals who got incredibly lucky to be able to.

He chuckles, blue, secretive and sensitive storms melting into mine for a split second before they're back on the freeway in front of us. "It's been quite the experience." He assures, a gentle nod following his words. "What kind of music do you like?" Lindsey does thing with his brows when he talks- they sort of lift up almost like he isn't impressed, but I can tell he's actually quite enthused with this conversation... music is obviously something he's very enticed by and I am more than willing to roll with it.

Smiling lightly, I sink back into the leather a little more as I cross one leg over the other comfortably. "I have always been a big fan of classic rock." I admit, fingers dancing across the hem of my dress, tugging it down my bare leg slowly.

"Really?" He raises his brows, "That's my specialty, actually." Looking over at me slowly, he lets off a warm smile. "Who's your favorite artist?" He asks. hand gliding across the steering wheel lightly.

My stomach drops immediately, not sure if I want to be honest, or just fabricate it... my favorite artist comes with a lot of heartache. "Well," I begin, swallowing hard before I continue. "I named my kids after a couple of my favorite artists, so I have Joplin and..." I pause, face growing red as this hot feeling courses my veins. "And Hendrix." I nod, chewing the inside of my cheek. "Presley too, but my husband named her." I add, nodding my head with a quiet laugh.

"I really love that." He assures, "I think that's totally awesome, Stevie." He's right- it is awesome... I think those three are the most awesome things that's ever happened to me.

I let out giggle, shaking my head softly as I push some hair back behind my ear.

"I can tell you're kind of edgy, like a rockstar in hiding." He gives me another soft chuckle as the dimples on his cheeks travel upward.

"I always said that if writing didn't go over well, I'd want to be a singer." I'm kind of joking, but kind of not... I think it would have been an exciting life to live if that was my destiny, but I guess it just wasn't.

"I can already imagine you making musical magic." He is charming, probably too charming for his own good... or maybe my own good- I can't decide.

But we spend another half an hour talking and to my surprise, we actually have a lot in common... crazy, I know. He likes poetry, documentaries, art, even writing and books- all of which are things that I've been wildly fascinated with for as long as I can remember. He's a man that's captured by the artistic side of life and I think that's enough to make any woman fall in love... but not this woman, of course.

"Look at how pretty the water is." My index finger meets the glass that's separating me from the world outside this car. "It's a perfect day for the beach." I add as it all seems to just fly right by.

"Should we go?" He's adventurous, he really is and I would be lying if I said that I'm not totally thrilled by it.

Biting down on my lower lip, "Let's do it."


Sticking my hands in my pockets, my eyes stay fixated on her every move as she trails through the sand next to me.

She's wearing a red dress that comes up just above her knee, not quite beach material, but somehow she makes it look like this is exactly where she was coming... she was meant to be in the sand this afternoon. And the way her long blonde strands make ringlets down her back allows for her gorgeous, facial features to stand out a little more in this mid-day sun.

There's something about her that has me absolutely amazed.

"I love this." She's using both hands to push her hair behind her ears since the wind picks up on the coast.

"Me too," I can't decide what I love more- the fresh calm stillness of the world right in this moment, or the sight of Stevie, truly thriving in the open air.

She can be a really interesting woman, yet she's hiding within a world I haven't quite pinpointed yet. She's very enticing to me, though it isn't hard to tell that she has deep, dark stories she's held in for far too long.

I don't know why, but she's got me wrapped rather quickly.... It's been a long time since I've been this willing to open up to someone, but this feels so right in a weird way.

"Will you sit with me?" She asks the moment we make it the edge of the water, where the soft waves are hitting the white sand.

"Of course," I lower myself into the sand first, knees pulled up to my chest as I watch her carefully take a seat a few inches away.

"I wanna hear you play guitar sometime." Her deep brown eyes melt into mine as a gentle smile tugs at the corners of her mouth.

I give her a smirk, nodding my head without losing eye contact. "Anytime."

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