Chapter 1

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Sang Zhi POV

The autumn breeze filled the air. Dried leaves falling slowly going side to side. It's been 10 years since I left china and here I am once again. You must be thinking why would an MIT graduate, who majored in business, go back to china. Well....

Flashback 6 years ago

Brother when will you stop being an asshole and stop gaming so you can actually do something in your life. All you do is game all day. "Shut up, no one asked for you opinion goody two shoes. And gaming is wonderful, if you played you would understand." he says scowling. Then teach me, Lu Si Cheng is also obsessed with it what is so good about this game anyway? "Fine, come here I'll teach you," he snapped back. After my brother taught me how to play I've been playing it ever since.

Years Later 

Hello, this is the manager of e-sports team Ace.  After seeing you play our captain has picked you from the rest of the candidates to be captain. As for our captain will not leave immediately we will let you know when you will become an official member. After making sure the message was not a scam I went to my Dad to ask permission. Hi Dad, what are you doing. "Nothing much sweetheart," he grumbled back. Dad, I got a message from an e-sports team in china to join their team. "Mhm," he says as if wanting me to go on. And I wanna join them. My Dads face changed to a slightly angry one. "Sang Zhi you just graduated from college and I get that you want fulfill temporary dreams but you need to understand that this dream is useless it will not help you. Just stay here and help me run the family business. Then you can live a relaxed life." he replied. Dad, that's not  a relaxed life that's a planned life, a life with no choices, a life where I have no control over it. All my life I never said one thing but now I'm an adult, I WANT TO MAKE THE CHOICES. I was fuming at this point. "FINE, on one condition get me shares in the Lu group and you c-can join the e-sports team," he said giving in. I walked out of his office taking the path to my room, with one thought in my head how am I gonna get the shares. There was one thing I knew I had to do, pack my things to go to china. 

Present Time

So here I am outside of Auntie Lu's company. I walked in and waited for her outside her office. Few minutes later her secretary lets me in. "ZhiZhi look how much you have grown, when I saw you were so cute and you was playing around with Cheng." she says greeting me. I smiled, It's also very nice to see you again auntie. She smiles back "Now, now lets not waste our time I know why you are here. I will give you the shares if you solve this business crisis our group has occurred." she said. That's it, I was stressing out for no reason. No problem if you give me the details I will solve it for yo-"And  I want you to live in ZGDX's base camp for a month to see if my son's love interest can meet up to my criteria." she says interrupting me. WHAT! "Well are you gonna accept or not?" She asks. I look at my phone and see team Ace's manager asking if I'm up to the job and I message him yes. I turn to look at auntie. I accept. 

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