Chapter 9

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Hierophant POV

"Hey, you okay?," I asked sticking my hand out to help. Instead of taking my hand, the girl gets up and leaves. The one day I try to be nice. Rude. Anyway, where is this person. I was told to meet the manager of the team Ace, and she is still not here. I hate people who are not punctual. The only reason I agreed transferring to another team is because the captain is worthy of playing with me. And they are overall a wonderful team. "Excuse me, are you Lee Kun Hyeok?," a short women with a smile asked. "Yes, I am, and you must be the manager of the team Ace," I replied with a smirk. "I am. My name is Bai Lin but, you can call me Lin. I'm the the manager for your future team," she said with small smile. "Okay so, I-," I started. "Boy, here is the paper work/contract you have to fill out. After your done call me. Bye!" she said and stalked off. Seriously! That's it? What a weird manager. I look over to the papers in my hand. Well, better get going. I turn around and see Tong Yao hanging out with her friends and noticed the rude girl. Well, might as well say hi.

Tong Yao POV

I was talking with my friends and I noticed a figure walking towards, it was Hierophant. "Hello, how are you Tong Yao," he asked with a small smile. "I'm fine what about you?," I replied returning the smile.

Sang Zhi POV

Nah, hell nah. That guy, who I was kind of rude to is coming towards us. I'm sorry i was kind of grumpy. What the hell do I do! Whatever, I'll just go with the flow. Karma is seriously a bitch.

"So these are your friends," Hierophant asked. "Yes, I believe you already met Jin Yang and this is Sang Zhi," she said. Don't, don't. "Oh wait, I've met you before. You're the girl who rudely decided to ignore my once in a life time help," he said. Dang it. I swear I'm going to rip that smirk off his face one way or another. I gave out a small fake laugh and glare. This bitch was getting on my nerves. Before I could do anything else. "I apologize on her behalf. Lu Si Cheng and her are cousins. Being cold kinds runs in the family," she said. "You know, Lu Si Cheng?," I ask completely ignoring Tong Yao's side eye. "Yeah I do. He never talked about me? Well I'll fill in the missing information. We were on the same team, TAT. So we met each other often. Well I'm running a little late. Catch up with you later Tong Yao," he said with a smile. "I'll see you later, bye," she said. We watched as the figure got farther and farther away.

No One POV

"Girl how do you not no who he is," Tong Yao whisper screamed. "How am I supposed to know? Am I supposed to know every single fucking person who is friends with Lu Si Cheng!" I whisper screamed back. "He is Hierophant. He is an e-sports gods, Dumbass," she whispered back. "Wait really!?" I whispered shockingly. "Yes really!" Tong Yao whispered back. "Not going to lie, he is pretty respectable. Can't wait to see him at the arena," I whispered. Jin Yang got off the phone with her boyfriend and asked, "Why are we whispering?"

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