Chapter 3

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Sang Zhi POV

Tong Yao leads me upstairs to my room. My room was decorated to my liking. The desk was white with a lot of storage and my bed had white sheets and black cloth hanging over it. There was a big window which had black curtains at it's side and small bed to sit on near it. There was a small hammock chair in the corner. Tong Yao interrupts my thought by saying, "I decorated the room myself, do you like it? Yes I do. You decorated it quite to my criteria I say chuckling on how tensed Tong Yao looked.  Why are you so tensed, am I really that scary? "No it's not that it j-just, I'm sorry that I glared at you. I don't know w-what came over me," Tong Yao stuttered out. No I get it, you were just jealous that I was close to your man. Tong Yao became flustered she took a pillow from the bed and threw it at me. Oh she did not just. I took another pillow from the bed and whacked her in the face. This pillow fight went on and till we were both panting and lying on the bed. Soo, I feel like I need to know everything from the start. I was looking at her like she was my long lost bestie. She nodded and said, "Before that we need snacks because this is going to be a long night."

4 hours later Tong Yao POV

She gasped, "How could he do that! How can he just go on a blind date when you were there. How could he pick a plastic brat over our beloved Yao Yao. Don't worry sister I got you." I wiped that fake tears off my face and nodding in agreement. It was currently 3 am and there was random shouting coming from the room we were in. But it's okay I was loving this, I feel like I found my fated bestie or something because we hit it off the moment we started my story in the e-sports society. "Hey why did you stop, I need to know more," she says stuffing more popcorn in her face. I snapped back to reality and continued.

1 hour later 

"OH MY GOD that is so CUTE! Someone sent a death letter to you and you got cut so brother Cheng carried you!? Can this get any better?" she squealed. Yes, he also treated my wound and comforted me since I was crying. Her voice turned serious," You are okay now right you found this person?" Yeah, we did. I yawned. Do you mind if we continued this tomorrow, I'm kind of tired. She nodded in agreement and we both fell asleep.

Sang Zhi POV

I got up from my bed and still saw Yao Yao still sleeping so I decided not to wake her up. After brushing my teeth and a long shower, I decided to wear a black baggy hoody with black shorts and put my hair in a ponytail. I went down the spiraling stairs to see a sleep deprived team. After seeing K's  eye bags I seriously have been mentally scarred for life. Oh my god, what happened to you guys. "There was squealing and screaming, so I'm running on 3 hours of sleep right now." K replies while sipping on his fifth cup of coffee. I give him a small smile as an apology. He just scowled. "My beauty sleep is all ruined," Cat sighs with a face mask on his face.  "What the heck were you both doing," Brother Cheng cuts in. Uhhhhh.....

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