Chapter 7

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No One POV

"L-look we can talk about this," Sang Zhi starts. "Yeah, we're listening," K  says slightly angry. "Well, you're right, I actually came here for the Lu Group's shares. My father forced me to, in order for me to do what I actually want to do in life instead of living a life with a man I don't love and running a business that I've always disliked. So I came back to china and asked Auntie Lu what she wanted me to do in order to get shares and she said that I had to solve a business crisis she was having and...," Sang Zhi says explaining. "And," Chubby asks. "I'm pretty sure this other part of the deal refers to Brother Cheng, so its better for me to only tell him." Sang Zhi says sheepishly.  "Fine, come over here and tell me." Lu Si Cheng says with irritation in his voice. "Well, Auntie wanted to see if Tong Yao/love interest was up to her criteria and don't worry, I already told her she could be up to the task," Sang Zhi says while teasing him. The two close friends walk towards the rest of the group. "So what was that about?," Tong Yao asks. "It's a secret," Lu Si Cheng says quickly. "Oh, anyways, since we cleared that up for us as a group. We should probably clear this problem for the rest of the world too. The club can send an official statement about this." Rui says cheerfully. "Oh, don't worry about the problem I'll take care of that," Sang Zhi says flashing her famous smirk. "Didn't you say something about you doing what you actually wanted to do in life," Brother Cheng asks. "I'm glad you asked. I got a recent invite from a senior company and they wanted both of us to attend a dinner party. When we are there we can also make a statement to eliminate the rumors. And maybe I'll tell you there," Sang Zhi replies while spilling her master plan. "Ah, hell nah," Lu Si Cheng says. "I'll tell Tong Yao that," Sang Zhi says. "On second thought let's go," Lu Si Cheng says changing his mind. "Great. Its at seven, wear a tux and the theme is black and white. You can go get ready I have to hire a driver to drive my Porsche. Bye!," Sang Zhi says happily while taking out her phone. 

2 hours Later Sang Zhi POV

I finally was ready. My hair was flowing around my back and I was wearing a black dress with  sleeves that draped down the side of my hands that left my shoulder open. I put on a diamond necklace and hoop earrings. I didn't go to heavy on the make up, I put on light pink lip gloss, eyeliner, and a bit of foundation. I put on boots that had high heels, half finger gloves, and a handbag that went down to my waist. I go out of my room and see Brother Cheng we both make our way to the door and get into the car. We arrive at the mansion and all the cameras were turned towards us. I mentally sigh this is gonna a be a long night.


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