Chapter 15

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Felix POV

Is that Lu Si Cheng, captain of team ZGDX? "Its you. No wonder I sensed a rat around here," I hear Lu Si Cheng say. How do captain and him know each other and how dare he call her a rat.  "Ohhhh, that's probably Chen Feng he recently was trying to catch a squirrel in the dumpster area and the smell stayed on him for weeks. I guess your stuck up rich-ass can't seem to handle it," Sang Zhi said putting on a fake pity smile and also causing everyone to back one step away from the twin. "First of all that was a joke(That earned an ohhhh form Sang Zhi). Second of all, stop acting like you were not a stuck up rich-ass before," Lu Si Cheng snapped back causing a big eyeroll from Sang Zhi. Captain was rich before? "That's' it, I can't seem to hold in my excitement.  Are you Lu Si Cheng, you're my biggest role model. I wish to be just li-," Chen Feng rambles shaking his hand up and down causing in Jin to step in and drag him away. "Anyway, I'll stop wasting my time on trash and go visit my princess. Yao Yao I'm coming!," Captain says giddily but, a hand sticks out to stop her. WHAT THE FUCK! Captain is not grumpy and strict and is actually have a pleasant expression on her face!? I hear a groan and I turn to see Lu Si Cheng on the floor, groaning from pain which probably came from someone kneeing him in the balls. "Who are you, Bowser? Well, then stop trying to stop me from visiting Princess Peach so fuck off," I hear her say. I take that back Captain is still captain.

Hierophant POV

I winced as I saw Lu Si Cheng get kneed in the balls, that must've hurt. I walk over to the man and help him get up. Do I want to know?  "No, you don't. Care for a walk?," Lu Si Cheng asks getting off the floor.  Sure, you guys  okay going back to base without captain and I. "Yeah don't worry about us, why do you think Jin exists? Have fun, while I suffer making dinner," She says while complaining about her punishment. As me and Lu Si Cheng caught up there was a notification that popped up on my friend's phone which causes him to stop in his track. What is it? "The LPL sent out a message about the new season. It says that there won't be domestic playoffs this year. Instead there would be a international individual and doubles match. Each team will have to send and individual and doubles pair to represent them in the competition," Lu Si Cheng says with curiosity on his face. Hmm, I guess this season will be quite interesting

Meanwhile Sang Zhi POV

I was looking over the official statement about this season with Yao Yao. Honestly we were both quite surprised. "I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back," She says getting off the bed. As she got up to leave the next message shocked me even more. 

Sang Zhi, please help me confess to Tong Yao.

-Lu Si Cheng

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