Chapter 6

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Lu Si Cheng POV

Those brats can never seem to get out of trouble, huh. No one open the door for those two. "Wait, why not Brother Cheng," Chubby asks with concern. Those two got into trouble this is their punishment.

Tong Yao POV

My heart started to hurt. Why did I have to like someone. I try not to show my disappointment but Sang Zhi already noticed something was off. "Hey, don't be sad. Brother Cheng can be really dumb sometimes. And he can assumes things without knowing the whole story, so don't take it to heart," she says with concern while comforting me. I gave her small nod to acknowledge her. "I have a small errand to run, so I'll be back in a while. I'm pretty sure he will let you in soon," she says while taking the car keys out of her pocket.  I watch the car as it drifts off into the distance

Sang Zhi POV 3 hours later

After finishing my errands I drive my way back to the base. Damn, it was raining hard. I slowly watch the gates open and I see Yao Yao still sitting outside. I parked the car and I rushed towards her. She looked very weak, and when I was about ask her why she was still outside, she fainted into my arms. I felt her skin burning up, once again I take out my car keys and I rush over to the hospital. Lu Si Cheng, you bastard, how could you make her wait in the rain. I entered the hospital and Yao Yao was given a room and the doctor told me she could be discharged tomorrow morning. I called Jin Yang and asked her if I could crash at her place for today. She agreed and after a few hours we leave the hospital.

Lu Si Cheng POV

I sat down on the sofa and took out my phone. "Brother Cheng, don't you think we should let Missy back inside." Chubby asks. Sure. I watch as Chubby makes his way to the door only to tell me that Dwarf wasn't outside. Probably at her friends house. I got back to my phone and opened Weibo, only to find shocking news. Tong Yao a e-sports gamer from Team ZGDX was harassed along with  two others at a café. One of her friends swiftly took out the man and he was taken to the police station.... I was shocked. This man will pay for what he did after I sue him. But first I need to apologize. I called Sang Zhi, who immediately hung up, I tried to reach her again but it didn't work. I called Chen Jin Yang, but she didn't pick up either. After I got Chen Jin Yang address from Ai Jia, I grabbed my keys and went to my car. Frick, I really messed up.

Sang  Zhi POV

This bastard has the nerve to call me, wow. He called Jin Yang to but I told her to not pick up either. After 15 minutes I hear the doorbell ring. I went to open it to see Brother Cheng's face. I tried to shut the door but I failed. "Just hear me out okay, I'm really sorry for punishing you guys with out knowing the whole story," he says. I rolled my eyes. I'm glad you found you mistake but, you should really take care of this problem of finding out the whole story you know? You had that problem since you were young. This apology shouldn't be for me, it should be for Yao Yao.  She's in the hospital because of high fever since you made her wait outside for hours. She will get discharge tomorrow morning. He nodded with a worried face. 

Tomorrow Morning

Lu Si Cheng apologizes to Yao Yao, and of course she forgave him. I mentally sighed, lovebirds these days. We drive back to the base and we chit chatted for a while. Chubby calls for us with a slightly panicked voice and says, "Guys read this article. Sang Zhi, daughter of Sang Yang, a famous CEO, solved a business crisis for the Lu Group. This makes us wonder if the young women is the fiancé to the famous e-sports player Lu Si Cheng!?  I see Brother Cheng's face towards me and he says,  "You got some explaining to do".  

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