Chapter 12

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Narrator POV

"So, you're the newcomer, am I right? My name is Felix, I was originally in the European division but transferred a year back. My position is ADC," Felix says with no emotion displayed in his face. "Hey, don't be so cold to my teammate. My name is Chen Yang and I-," The petite boy started say but get's shoved harshly to the side instead. "Don't mind the incompetent ass-hat. He is Chen Yang and his position is support substitute," Chen Feng says with his hyper personality. Although, the room was oddly quiet after he had spoken. Fake tears had been formed along the rim of Chen Yang's eyes while he said, "YOU CAN SAY COMPLEX WORDS NOW!!!" Bai Lin rushes towards Chen Feng and kicks him, then sits on him, "Where did you put him?" "What do you mean "where did you put him"," he asks. " I said, WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU PUT THE REAL ONE! The one I know could never say anything like that." she replies with astonishment. "I say, when he was sending a package today, he sold his brain and finally got a new one," Felix says in amusement. "According to my calculations, I was right. Our teammate will bring us good luck this season. And I am so, very, thankful that you have finally upgraded and you can be on a closer level to my god-like intelligence. Although you still have centuries to go until you get to my level I'm truly happy for you," Jin says, brushing away a fake tear off motherly expression. While the others have recovered from the shocking news Cheng Feng's twin hadn't. His back was still slumped against the wall while sitting in odd position while holding the same dumb-founded expression from the start of the conversation. With no other words to say Lee Kun Hyeok stood there with a complex expression on his face. He was confused, should he cry or should he laugh, he doesn't even know himself. 

Sang Zhi POV

A blaring noise was heard through their base. Seriously, right now. Fuck today. At first it was meeting the rude man and now this shit? Lets go get the megaphone. "HEY, YOU DUMBASSES. IF YOU HADN'T REALIZED THERE IS A FIRE IN THE OPPOSITE BUILDING SO, DON'T BE BRAT AND EVACUATE. AND CHEN FENG, THAT WAS NOT A QUESTION THAT WAS A STATEMENT. SO GET YOUR ASS OUT OF OUR BASE!"I hollered. A fire in the opposite building, I can't believe that the new neighbors are already so troublesome. Lets get the mask and the cap. 

Now we're all standing outside, and honestly the blazing sun is killing me. "Captain, isn't that the new team who is going to move in," Chen Feng says while pointing towards the people who are helping to put out the fire. "Wow, thank you for stating that Captain Obvious, I totally couldn't figure that out by myself," Chen Yang says in a bored tone while rolling eyes. "Did you just roll your eyes at me," Chen Feng says. "Yes, I did, what are you going to do about it," Chen Yang says challengingly. "You're just a substitute, you can't talk to a main player like that," Chen Feng replies back. Here we go again, I mentally sighed and said, "ENOUGH, and watch your tongue, both of you. I have wanting to tell you guys that both of you will play substitute for this season. The amount of games each of you will play will be decided on your behavior. And Bai Lin, your cooking for the team next week too. And next time you don't follow my order your salary will be cut. Now, lets go meet the stupid neighbors who set their building on fire."

-Hmm, who do you think the team is? Anyway, happy holidays everyone. See you next year!


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