Chapter 5

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Sang Zhi POV

I accepted Lu Yue's invitation to play one match with him. The  ironic thing is the other's don't even know that I can play. I make my way over to the gaming area and sit down in Tong Yao's chair. I went online and game has started. Lu Yue has picked the shikigami Dodomeki and I picked Ootengu. The whole team gathered around us. "Here all teach you the basics. So you put your hand over ther-," Chubby starts to explain but I whack his hand away. I know how to play thank you very much. "Okay then. The game will begin  in 3..2..1! The objective of the game is to collect materials to kill the opponent, the first to kill the other person wins the game," Chubby announces. "Her fingers move really fast," Cat says quite impressed. "There's a lot of professionalism when you play, you don't take that many risks when you play. You know what's happening and there tactics applied when you play. If I didn't know you, I would have confused you for professional e-sports gamer," Ming said analyzing the situation. By the time Ming finished talking I had killed Lu Yue. Game Over. Everyone was a bit shocked but brother Cheng recovered first and said, "Play a round with me." Sure. 

15 minutes Later

"Did she just beat Brother Cheng," Chubby said. "How long have you been playing?," Brother Cheng asked. Uhhh, probably around 3 years. Then I turn to Lu Yue. Since I won against you what are you gonna a give me. "Uhm, a 100 RMB?," he says sheepishly. Dude, seriously? You might as well give me nothing. How about you do an embarrassing Tik-Tok wearing a shark costume? Wait not a shark costume, a monkey costume? Eek! Even better! Yao Yao order a monkey costume and in the meantime I'll teach Lu Yue the dance. "I don't really feel good," he says. That's worst excuse I've heard in years, lets go. He groaned in acceptance and I dragged him to the living room. 

2 hours later Tong Yao POV

I got a text from Jin Yang to come outside since we were going to hangout. Then I got an idea, I'll take Sang Zhi with me. SANG ZHI! "Yes?," she hollers from upstairs. I'm going out with my friend do you want to come along? "Sure, why not," she replies. She comes downstairs and I drag her to the car. After we got to the café the taxi left and I saw Jin Yang sitting  inside having coffee. We make our way inside and after making introductions we chatted for a while. It was around 3:00 and we were about to leave when a young women came over to us. "Uh Hi, I'm sorry to disturb you but I just want to let you know that the man over there has been taking pictures of you," she says. Before I could say anything Sang Zhi got up and swiftly stole the man's phone. "Why are you taking photo's of us?" she asks a bit angry while turning the phone around to reveal the pictures. The man tried to slap her then run away but Sang Zhi caught the slap and punched him in face and held him so he couldn't move. The young women who informed us earlier called the police and they came and took him away. After they took our statements we went home. "Why are you guys so late?," brother Cheng asks. "Uh we were at the police station because," Sang Zhi starts. "POLICE STATION! Why do you guys always cause so much trouble." Brother Cheng cuts in. B-but Brother Cheng it wasn't our fault it was. He goes inside the base camp and shuts the door. This happened before, you know locking me out. But, for some reason this situation just breaks my heart even more.

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