Chapter 13

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No One POV (ZGDX base)

"Wait we're moving to a new base? Why?," Chubby asked. "The company wanted to give us a new base, and at least it will put an end to your complain on how small your room is," Brother Rui says with annoyance evident in his face.  After hearing that, Chubby's mouth had shut up. "On the bright side, at least we won't have teammates of the opposite gender sleeping on the same bed," K said with amusement causing a very oblivious future couple to blush. 

Time skip

ZGDX was standing at the entrance of their ex-base taking one last glance at their previous home. Tong Yao sighed and said, "I'm going to miss this place." Those words hung in the air creating a somber atmosphere. "GUYS WAIT, I FORGOT LIMITED ADDITION LU YUE POSTERS! I CAN'T LEAVE MY HANDSOME FACE TO ROT IN THIS PLACE!," Lu Yue screamed dropping all his 10 suitcases and running outside. He later came back and said, "That was close, how could I let my babies..." "Do you ever shut up," Lu Si Cheng asked.  Lu Yue gave a dramatic gasp and replied, "No I can never shut up. If I do shut up you won't ever be able to hear the most beautiful thing in the world. And if you were wondering, that is ME." At that moment, K took off his air pods and asked," Who?." "Me, I'm the most," Lu Yue started, but was immediately cut off. "I mean who asked," K said putting on his air pods again. Lu Yue had finally shut up and fill in his noise laughter was heard. Then they all headed towards the bus and got on, and surprisingly Lu Yue didn't talk the whole ride.

2 hours later

The members of team ZGDX left the bus and stepped outside to see their 4 story base.  Everyone was astonished and took in the image of their new base. Lu Yue said, "I don't regret leaving that stinky ass base when we have this masterpiece. I call the biggest room!" "No, I call the biggest room," Chubby said while chasing after his teammate. Hearing all the commotion, all of the members except Lu Si Cheng and Yu Ming raced into the base. While Xiao Rui ran after them saying there were assigned rooms.

Tong Yao POV

Finally, I get the choice to decorate my room myself. I sat down and unpacked all my clothes and most important my computer. There was already a study desk, bed, and a shelf. Huh, guess I don't have to do much then.  I heard movement behind me and I turned around to see Brother Rui. "Tong Yao, Lu Yue is making lunch what would you like?" Brother Rui asked. I don't really care what's for lunch but something good. But my main concern is that you're letting Lu Yue cook? "I don't think its that bad, what's the worst thing that could happen," Xiao Rui replied.  As soon as those words came out of his mouth the fire alarm went off.

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