Chapter 4

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Sang Zhi POV

"Morning," I hear Tong Yao say. Yao Yao your here. Please explain to brother Cheng what we were doing last night. "We were not doing anything we were just t-talking," Yao Yao says. "Talking about what exactly? I can tell when your lying" brother Cheng asks. "I'm sorry we were talking about-," Tong Yao says giving in. I put my hand over her mouth, BOYS, we were talking about boys. You know the kind, humble, and handsome type, unlike you. Tong Yao takes my hand off her mouth. I swear I saw a pang of jealousy in brother Cheng's eyes but it was quickly erased with his cold mask. "Team meeting in five. You shouldn't waste your time talking about useless things and practice more Dwarf," he says looking straight in her eyes. "Hey talking about boys isn't so bad, who knows we could be discussing my future partner. And when will you stop calling me Dwarf, I'm not that that short." she snapped back at him. "Will you two stop bickering and come, the team meeting will start soon. Sang Zhi I hope you can find something to do while we are training." Ming says.  I nod in agreement  and I watch the future couple make there way inside.

While everyone else was gaming/training I was in my room sipping on coffee and fixing Auntie Lu's business crisis. I was gonna be a long process but it wasn't that hard to figure out. I started making their detailed plan to fix this so called "crisis", I wouldn't really call this a crisis but who know maybe there are not so many business geniuses in china. It was 7 o'clock when I finished and the team asked me to go out for dinner. I agreed and when we were all in the car I got a call from my Dad. Hello? "Can you get the shares or not? If you come back now I will forgive you," I here my Dad say. I have submitted the plan to their HR and you will become an official shareholder at the end of this month. Then I hang up. I had a great time joking and chatting around with everyone else. We all grew very close and we all became friends.

2 weeks later Lu Si Cheng POV

Everyone was getting along with each other. And ever since Sang Zhi arrived I feel like everyone became closer than ever. I hear my phone ring it was annoying monkey who will ruin you day. Oh it was my brother. "Hi BROTHER! Open you door I have a surprise for you," he said in sing-song voice. Even though I was reluctant to open it I asked Sang Zhi to open the door. She opened the door and I heard my brother scream, "SHE DEVIL!!." I sighed. "Oh My Gosh. Its the monkey ass kid who peed his pants when he was young!," she says with a smirk. "Brother, how could you let such a lowly female into our base camp," he says. I don't say anything. "Who are you calling lowly I'm way better than you," she replied. "Well then let's have a match," he shouts at her. I see Sang Zhi smirk.

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