Chapter 14

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No One POV

Xiao Rui and Tong Yao ran downstairs to see the kitchen was on fire and so was Lu Yue's shirt. "Hey guys, its definitely quite hot in here right? But is it supposed to be this hot?," Lu Yue asked with guilt. K turns towards Tong Yao and whispered, "I'll pay 500 RMB if you don't tell him that his shirt is on fire." Since Lu Yue has the perks of a dog he actually heard it jumped around like a monkey screaming, "GET IF OFF MEEE! I'M TO YOUNG TO DIE! MY FACE IS TOO PRECIOUS TO GET BURNED." Tong Yao turned to K with disappointment and said, "Although I wanted that 500 RMB, you get the blanket I'll get the water. Don't worry I'll dunk it all over him."

20 minutes later Lu Si Cheng POV

That idiotic brother of mine. Its been only over an hour and he already caused trouble. At least we got situation under control and no one got hurt especially little dwarf.


Is that smoke coming from the kitchen? Then I hear a girl shriek, is that Tong Yao?  I raced inside to see my brother drenched in water wearing a nervous expression.  I mentally sigh in relief that it wasn't Tong Yao. How could a boy have such girly scream I swear he's another species. Now which imbecile started the fire.

Tong Yao POV

I have the bucket of water and I dumped over Lu Yue. "OH, MY, GOSH. Did you just dump water all over me?," Lu Yue shrieked. "Yes, I did. Now I believe your first words to say to me-," Tong Yao started. "Did you use spring water?," Lu Yue asked. "No, I used the murky water I found outside. Now I believe you owe me a thank you for saving your life," Tong Yao says feigning innocence. "WHAT! You might as well kill me," Lu Yue screamed in agony. "You know what they say, murky water is only used for trash," K says while sipping on coffee.  Lu Yue with fake tears brimming eyes replied, "What do you mean trash-," "SHUT UP, both of you. I left the base for around 2 hours and there is already chaos. Lu Yue I'm cutting off your salary this month and everyone start cleaning this up." Brother Cheng says. 

End Of Flashback Lu Si Cheng POV

I guess I owe the neighbors an explanation. So I go outside to see the neighboring team already outside. "Lu Si Cheng?" I hear a robotic voice and a familiar voice say say. There is only 2 people who sound like that, my rivals, Sang Zhi and my old mate, Hierophant.

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