Chapter 16

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Sang Zhi POV


                                                                                                                                                             wdu mean no?!

I don't want to help you is it too much for your non-existent brain to understand?

                                                                                                                         I regret asking you in the first place 

Fine, I'll book the venue for the dinner and you bring the gifts, k? Even you can handle it.


Tong Yao POV

Ding. I check my phone to see that I got a message from Brother Cheng. "I owe you a meal right? Lets go out tonight. Dress fancy". Such a vague text of course only expected from Chenge. Well technically isn't this a date? Time to call Jin Yang.

Time Skip

"Eeeeeeeeek," Jin yang squeals for the 10th time and me taking the phone away from my ear for the 10th time. Enough squealing and get your ass over here. Are you going to help your best friend on her date. "Stop trying to lecture me and open the door. I'm already here. Did you lower your expectations ever since you meant Lu Si-," she says in a teasing tone. I cut the call and go downstairs and I open the door. I have 2 hours. Make me look like a godess.

No One POV

Tong Yao descended the steps of her team's base with an elegant white dress with long diamond earrings with her diamond choker to match. She looked simply beautiful, and brother Cheng couldn't agree even more due to his gawking face. Sang Zhi watched from the sidelines and said in a teasing voice,  "Lu Si Cheng! Get your jaw off the floor or you might get drool on your suit." Causing K to join in and say, " Brother Cheng, we know our mid-laner is very pretty but show some dignity, nah? For us men?". Lu Si Cheng was flustered and his cheeks turned a bit pink causing Tong Yao to giggle. "Dwarf, lets go, the car is outside," Lu Si Cheng says going back to his usual composed face. The future couple went outside and entered the car.

Tong Yao POV

We can do this. We can do this. We can do this. Stay calm Tong Yao. Its just a dinner with a friend, its not like he's going to confess, right?

Lu Si Cheng POV

My angel looks perfect. She's so beautiful in that dress I don't think, I can hold myself back anymore. Tonight will be perfect, I'll make sure of that.

No One POV

The car screeches to a stop near a magnificent restaurant. The future couple makes their way inside and sits down at a table.  "Brother Cheng, this is such a fancy and well-known place, it must've cost a lot didn't it?" Tong Yao asked breaking the silence. Brother Cheng only hummed in response.  A young male waiter with a playful smile came up to them, "Hi, welcome to our diner. Now what do I owe the pleasure of hosting such a beautiful lady and her brother. And I hope this fine lady can give me her number," the handsome male said in a flirty tone. Tong Yao was quite startled, "Oh-uh I'm sorry-,". Before she could reply Lu Si Cheng grabbed her arm and they both raced out of the restaurant. Nearby was a small clubhouse and all the lights were turned off. "Chenge, where are we?" Tong Yao asked while her heart was beating erratically. Suddenly the lights were turned on. "Tong Yao, I love you".

Sorry, I couldn't update. I had exams and I was quite busy. Hope you like the chapter!

-Azalea ^-^

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