Chapter 10

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Sang Zhi POV

"Captain," Bai Lin says. Yes. What is it? "The new player is going to come soon and I was wondering if you wanted to take a look at his profile?" Bai Lin asks. No, its okay. I want to be surprised. "Okay girl, whatever you say," she replies. 

2 hrs later

Hierophant POV

It's been 2 weeks since I submitted the form to transfer to this team. My old manager sent out statement about me transferring and honestly I will miss my old team but, I am quite excited to meet my new teammates. Especially that captain, I heard that she was really good. The first thing I'm going  to do is have a 1v1. 

Narrator POV

Bai Lin walks up to the newcomer standing right outside their base camp. "Hey, what are you doing. Are you going to stand outside the whole time or something?," she says with a playful smile. However, Hierophant obviously not emitting the same emotions, ignored her and walked inside. Bai Lin followed inside while muttering some curses here and there. "OH MY GOSH! Are you the new kid? My name is Chen Feng otherwise known as Joker. I play support," he says with a small smile and a wink while standing a bit too close. Hierophant feeling a little uncomfortable on how close they were standing, gave him a small nod to acknowledge him and took a step back.  "Chen Feng, don't scare away the newcomer with your hyper ass personality. I'm Xiang Jin, you can call me Jin if that's more comfortable. I'm also known as Zephyr. I play bottom laner," he says with a welcoming smile. "My name is Lee Jun Hyuk otherwise known as Hierophant. I will be playing top laner," he says matching the younger man's smile. "Anyways now that your aquatinted I'll show you your room," Bai Lin says. "Yeah sure," he replies back eyes watching Jin dragging Chen Feng by the ear. Lin starts again, "So sorry about them, hope we don't seem too weird to you too soon. Chen Feng is always so hyper but I promise you Jin is the responsible one and is always watching over the team. So here is your room after you settle in feel free to meet the rest of the team and train if you would like. "Yeah sure. Thank you," Hierophant says.  Bai Lin makes her way down stairs leaving him alone. He goes inside his room and takes a shower and unpacks everything. Then he goes down stairs not unprepared for what was stored  for hime in the next few minutes. 

Hierophant POV

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I still can't believe what I'm seeing, I see Chen Feng fighting and kicking  another teammate I do not know. Then Xiang Jin trying to get them to stop fighting. Bai Lin just sipping on coffee with face that says I don't get payed enough for this. Finally a man just completely ignoring their existence while dodging off course pillows. Um, what is goin-, "GUYS, STOP. THE CAPTAIN IS COMING HOME SOON SO STOP FIGHTING," the man hollered while catching another pillow. Rude, I just got interrupted. Anyways, the 2 men stopped fighting and scrambled all over the place to clean up the living room. Then I heard the door open.

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