Chapter 17

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Flashback Tong Yao POV

"Now remember, always play hard to get. Boys love the chase," Jin Yang says while applying her makeup. But, Jin Yang, I think I truly love Lu Si Cheng. I think I'm finally ready to be in a relationship even after the last one didn't end so well. Jin Yang had a big smile on her face,            "Then what are you waiting for, it's already time. Go get your, man!" I got up from the chair and walked towards the door until I heard soft sniffles. Jin Yang, are you crying? Jin Yang stifled a sob as she faced me, "No." I gave her a look. "Maybe. I'm just so proud that you've come this far and even after Jian Yang, I can't help but feel so emotional," Jin Yang says quietly. Then I walked over and gave her a big hug as tears ran down both our faces. "Now, now, it's getting late and you'll ruin your makeup," Jin Yang scolded as she wiped the tears off her face. I chuckled.

Present Tong Yao POV

I love you. those 3 simple words yet they hold so much power. Listening to Lu Si Cheng's confession makes me go back to all those years ago. The time when I spent my college days having fun and spending every second with Jian Yang. Those small memories hold so much weight even if it was as small as a tiny wave across the hallway or the day we first met. 

Flashback No One POV

It was a bright sunny day, and all Tong Yao could ever think about was a certain young man in her class. And all her best friend could do, was sit there and listen. Tong Yao skipped along the walkway to her school telling her friend, "I swear, he's so handsome Jin Ya-." The handsome boy caught her waist before she hit the floor. "Are you okay?" "JIAN YANG!" Tong Yao screams her face turning as red as a tomato.

Present Tong Yao POV

Suddenly Jin Yang's voice cut through her college day memories. "Tong Yao, now listen carefully. If you ever like something or enjoy it never, ever let it go. Or else you will regret it for the rest of your life." I smiled at her words as I looked at Lu Si Cheng's face. I guess you're right Jin Yang. 

Lu Si Cheng, I love you too.

Lu Si Cheng POV

The long wait between made me anxious but after hearing those words come out I smiled so big.  Then confetti was flying in the air as I took her hand and placed a kiss on her lips. 

"EWWWWW. Get a room and next time answer quicker my hands might get damaged from holding the confetti popper too tightly-," Lu Yue says whining. 

"SHUT UP, YOU MONKEY," Sang Zhi and I yell.  She walks up to me with a smug smile on her face, "Dang man, it took you 3 years and a few months to confess-."  Tong Yao burst out laughing, "3 years?"  I blushed as I looked away. SH-SHUT UP!

I apologize for the wait. I had writer's block and was quite busy. I hope you like the chapter!


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