Chapter 11

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Hierophant POV

As the sound of the door made a creaking sound all of the team members lined up in a straight line. Although I was confused I lined up as well(what can I say peer pressure). I wonder why the manager is not lined up. The captain's footsteps echoed in the hallway and finally made its way into the living room. I look up and see the RUDE GIRL's FACE. I took all of my power to stop myself from shouting "YOU". Her eyes turned to Lin and said with a stern voice, "Why aren't you in line? Are you not part of the team?". Bai Lin reluctantly made her way to our horizontal line and stood somewhere in the middle. "Cheng Feng, Chen Yang, what did I say about fighting in our base camp. If you two are going to act like animals in this house get out, because this base isn't a circus," she says with no  emotions displayed in her words, robotic slightly. The twins, at least I think they are, look down at the ground. "I want 1500 word essay about what you did wrong on my desk by tomorrow night," she says.  Her voice changes to a calm one," Jin, you can do 2 hours less streaming this month and thank you for taking care of the team unlike someone else". Her gaze was sharp as her whipped to the next person in line. "Bai Lin what were you doing?  I know these two are trouble makers, but you need to actually do your job. Your punishment is to cook dinner for the the rest of this week," she says. Bai Lin groaned in annoyance. "Nuh uh-uh. I don't want to hear it. I have 6 little monkeys to deal with every day, I should be the one groaning in annoyance. Oh, and I want chili oil ramen for dinner and a crispy fried egg," she says going on to the next person in line. "Felix you are off the hook and-," she says stopping at the next person. "And you-," she started and looked up at my face and our eyes locked. "Hehe, are they in a c-drama or something there acting like a couple," the twins giggled silently. "Shut your mouths both of you. And you must be the new member. I don't think we have properly introduced our selves yet. I'm Sang Zhi, your captain," she says with a small smile while sticking out her hand. I take her hand and shake it while saying, I'm Lee Kun Hyeok or Hierophant. "Well, get to know the other members we will talk tomorrow," she says gradually making her way upstairs. Everyone let out a big sigh and dispersed the line.

Sorry that this is such a small update, I will try to make more updates more frequently.


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