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it was night, ara had been up for a little while after they ate but now she was asleep. jungkook put the cot that was downstairs into his room, he wants her to be close to him. the raven was sat on his bed, the lights were fully off in the house and jungkook wanted to talk to taehyung about everything that happened.

he was nervous to. he had no idea what to even say. he walked out his room and went downstairs when he saw the lamp in the lounge on. he smiled slightly when he saw taehyung, a book in his lap as he read. his back was leaning against the couch, he was so drawn to his book it looked as if he was in another world. 

when taehyung heard foot-steps he turned his head towards the direction, he frowned when he saw jungkook walking towards him. "I thought you were asleep?" taehyung asked, putting his book on the coffee table as jungkook sat on the couch. the raven decided to sit on front of him, taehyung being in arms length was hard. 

"I could not sleep" jungkook whispered, his eyes on taehyung's. the brunette nodded his head slowly and now the room was silent. it was painfully silent. for jungkook it was not, cause his head was swarming with millions of thoughts. 

the stinging pain in his throat was raising and his eyes were getting teary. jungkook looked at taehyung. "tae" the raven whispered, soon his eyes meeting taehyung's. 

taehyung felt his heart ache because he knew where this topic was going and as soon as he saw jungkook's eyes were teary he knew he was right. 

"I am so sorry. the last thing I ever wanted to do was to hurt you tae" jungkook whispered, watching as taehyung's eyes drifted to the blanket that was over his lap. 

"you lead me on jungkook. I felt used. I gathered the confidence to come tell you that I like you and wanted to see if there was a 'us' from your side. as soon as I saw you kissing amber I f-felt my heart break into pieces that I never thought were possible." taehyung whispered, his own eyes getting teary as he was finally voicing out his feelings to the person that hurt him the most. 

"I never lead you on taehyung. I like you, I have always had feelings for you. the first time I ever saw you I was shocked to see someone so beautiful that I had never seen before. I thought you were new to the school. as soon as we talked sparks were there. your the only person I want tae" jungkook whispered, his heart aching when he watches a tear roll down taehyung's cheek. 

"if you wanted me then why kiss her?" taehyung questioned, wiping his cheek. 

"I never kissed her tae. she kissed me, I tried to move away but she had her hands around the back of my neck so I tried to move my head but her grip was strong. I was going to push her but I did not want to hurt her. I was able to get out of my grip because we heard someone walk in, she let go of my neck" jungkook explained. 

"as soon as I saw you. I k-knew you were going to h-hate me. I tried to chase after you to explain but seeing ryan take you away I felt my heart break, especially when I heard how you were not eating, or getting out of bed" 

"if I found out someone else was ever making you feel that way I would kill them. knowing it was m-me that hurt you t-that bad, especially when you were about to tell me how you feel about us. I kick myself everyday for it. your the only person that I want taehyung, no one ever makes me feel the way you make me feel"

"I like you, and only you. I previously already told amber that I was not interested in her, she knew I did not like her. I told her what she did to me was sexual assault, it was harassment. I am not sure if you saw the video-" jungkook started but taehyung cut him off. 

"I did see it" taehyung whispered. 

"im glad you did. I know you will find it hard to trust me again, you have every right to question my trust. I am sorry I caused you so much pain" jungkook said, wiping his own tears that were rolling down his face. 

"thank you for apologising" taehyung whispered. 

"you dont have to thank me. I wont ever forgive myself for causing you so much pain." jungkook whispered, his hand taking taehyung's into his own. he rubbed his thumb on the back of the males hand softly. 

"where does this leave us now?" jungkook asked, wanting taehyung to be the one to decide. whatever he is comfortable with. 

"I dont want to loose you taehyung" the taller whispered, their eyes held contact for the longest it ever has. it was the deepest conversation that they both have ever had. 

"I dont want to loose you either" taehyung pouted, grabbing onto jungkook's hand back. 

"but I want to take this slow, as much as I would love to be in a relationship with you. for now I just dont want to put a label on it. I guess I want you to prove yourself to me, that you actually do like me. I dont know... its silly" taehyung sighed, getting all nervous. jungkook smiled and pecked his hand. he knew that taehyung meant what he said, but probably feels bad. 

"I will do anything to prove to you I am into you. that I want us to work. Im happy to not put a label on it and to prove to you its just us" jungkook replied, rubbing taehyung's hand still. 

"thank you" taehyung whispered. 

"promise me one thing" jungkook soon said, catching taehyung's attention as he nodded. 

"if someone is harassing you or you ever feel unsafe I want you to tell me" jungkook said, taehyung immediately thought of luke, but there is reasons as to why he wanted to hide that from jungkook.

"I will" taehyung smiled, looking down at their hands. jungkook let out a sigh, knowing taehyung was lying to him. it was also that fact that taehyung said 'I will' instead of 'I promise'. 

"lets go to sleep before it gets late" 

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