Chapter 1

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The Land of Fire has many powerful villages one being the none other than the powerful Hidden Leaf Village. Now we must remember that the Hidden Leaf was not always powerful, it took time, patience, power, and our founders for the village to be what it is today. Although even with the village's history, no one saw the attack of Nine Tails happening, many shinobi lost their life's trying to keep the village safe. In the end the 4th Hokage performed a seal on a newborn, who was at least to be a few hours old, which sealed the nine tails in the newborns body, sadly during the process of the sealing the 4th Hokage lost his life.

After the destruction the 3rd Hokage came out of retirement and took over, in order to keep everyone safe and bring peace back into the village he ordered no one to speak of the attack. Once that order was passed everyone's main focus were the funerals and burials of the shinobi who lost their lives along with rebuilding the damaged parts of the village. With that in mind we move forward with the original fate of the newborn.......


To say that Iruka was nervous was an understatement, he was slightly terrified of the idea of teaching at the academy, but the other teachers reassured him that the kids won't give him any big trouble. He was just starting to calm down when the doors to his classroom opened, in walked the parents. Iruka took one last deep breathe as the parents sat down before speaking.

"Hello and Welcome, my name is Iruka Umino, and I will be your children's teacher starting tomorrow till the day they graduate. It will be my job to teach your children of our history, laws, and the jutsus' approved in the academy; if your children are heirs, they can practice their family jutsu's either during break hours or after academy hours. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me throughout the years as your children teacher." He gave a bow once he finished.

The parents nodded and clapped before beginning their own questions. "Will there be a schedule posted of this year's curriculum?" "How many students will be in this class?" "How will you do your training with the kids?" "How many years of experience do you have as a teacher?" "How many years of experience do you have as a shinobi before you became a teacher?" etc..

Iruka let out a laugh before answering all of their questions. "My classroom and the academy curriculum will be handed out to you as you leave my class in a moment, the students will range from 11 to at least 20 students I will know the exacted number by no later than tonight, at the moment I do not know how the training with the kids will go until I work with them in person, this will be my first year as a teacher, but I did over 30-40 missions as a shinobi before being recommended by the 3rd Hokage to begin teaching. Do not worry if Shinobi life was not for me, I would have gone to teaching."

He and the parents let out a laugh before moving forward, as the clock dure near 10 Iruka got up and handed them this year's curriculum as they excited his classroom. He let out a sigh before collapsing onto the floor. Tomorrow is going to be a very stressful day for everyone Iruka thought.


The alarm was screeching at the top of its lungs when I woke up. I turned around to look at the time before quickly jumping out of bed. "CRAP I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" I took a quick a shower before grabbing some toast and running out the door. I arrived about 3 minutes late, but luckily no one was waiting by the classroom door, so I was able to go inside before any of the students came in. I just got done with scuffing the toast down my throat before the door opened, chattering children walked in groups before sitting down on the tables.

Just as the last group walked in, I began with my introduction "Hello kids, my name is Iruka, and I will be your teacher starting today till your graduation. I will do my upmost best to help you understand and prepare you for the Shinobi world. If you need help with anything you can see me either during or after academy hours, but only a certain time after academy hours." Most students barely heard anything he said, with a shake of his head he began roll call. Just as he was about to finish roll call the door opened and in walked a small little blonde boy.

"Ah, welcome to my class little one, may I ask what your name is before you take a seat." Iruka did not notice the room going suddenly quite as he was checking his roster "Uzumaki..." the boy muttered "I'm sorry, but I need your full name." said Iruka as he looked up from the roster "Naruto Uzumaki is my name sensi." Iruka stopped smiling and stared at the boy for a moment before responding "N-naruto Uzumaki was it?" the boy only nodded his head.

"Just go and take a seat that is available."

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