Chapter 18

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"The answer to your question is irrelevant, do what I say goodbye." Kakashi said as Naruto groaned and Sakura let out a huff of annoyance. He walked out the door, though before any of the three could react Kakashi walked back into the class to give them his actual final words.

"Before I forget do not eat breakfast tomorrow when we meet up."   Naruto yelled in horror at that information while Sasuke and Sakura nodded their heads. When Kakashi left they waited to see if he was would pop up again to say something.

After a couple of minutes, the trio left the class and headed over to the entrance. "Well if there is nothing we have to do, I'm heading home for some food." muttered Naruto, who was already heading to the direction of his apartment when Sakura grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled him aside to face her.

"You're not leaving without giving me an apology." Sakura said angrily. Naruto looked back at her, smiling innocently "What do I have to apologize for?" Both Sasuke and Naruto could feel Sakura getting even more angry and that alone made Naruto smile even brighter.

"For what you said earlier when Iruka Sensei was calling out our names!" Sakura screamed out. While Naruto flinched at her screaming, Sasuke rolled his eyes and walked away. "I still don't understand what I'm apologizing for Sakura." Naruto explained happily as Sakura began to roughly shake him.

"Both me and Sasuke heard you say it,  now apologize!" She screeched while Naruto simple took back his hand and give her a cold look. "You say that, and yet he did not even bother confirming that I even said anything." He said all while rolling his eyes.

"Sasuke help me out here!" Sakura called out to him. It was at that moment that both of them finally noticed that Sasuke had left them alone to do their bickering. Naruto took this moment to run away from her. 

My walk was very comfortable and silent, or well it was until I heard his whiny voice. "Why did you leave me with her." He complained as he lightly jogged to catch up with my pace. I looked over my shoulder to that Sakura had not bothered to catch up.

Or maybe Naruto did not give her a chance to catch up

Either way she was not here and that was fine by me considering she would not stop trying to speak to me earlier. Naruto was finally able to match my pace, still apparently grumbling over the fact that he can't have breakfast tomorrow.

"She has a point you know." I said, all he did was hum in acknowledgment at my words barely even pay attention to the road as he looked up in the sky. "About what, she would have kept going if I did not intervene." He said while rolling his eyes.

He is not wrong, she really was starting to push into my boundaries

I could feel his eyes trying to burn into my face as I ignored him. "You ready for tomorrow?"

What a simple question, it's like he doesn't know how long I have waited for this moment, how many years he has heard my ranting, or how long we have fought over how I will do to intact my vengeance.

So instead of answering his obvious question I looked back at him glaring intently as I asked my own "Are you prepared for their reactions?" A flash of annoyance appeared on his face, I could feel myself smirking at that alone. "If you did not want to answer my question you don't need pop up another one." He said with a touch of annoyance clearing heard.

I rolled my eyes as he continued his ranting, but soon we were approaching the crossroad where we had to split up.  I turned to the right, ready to grab my gear and train a little while longer when I felt Naruto grab my hand.

I turned to look at him, very confused as to why considering we have nothing to speak about anymore. "I just need to know that what happened won't affect us."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Naruto simply gave a glare and that's when it clicked "Oh, are you talking about what happened because Shikamaru?" It took him a while before slowly nodding his head, I could feel him subconsciously tightening his grip on my hand.

I let out a deep sigh and returned his glare "What happened was an accident, nor will it affect me in anyway. But will it affect you?" He shook his head quickly "No it won't affect me either, but let's get going before Sakura decides to make an appearance."

I nodded my head as he let go. We separated and went our separate ways before Sakura decided to catch up to us. My walk was once again silent and I was finally able to let today's events go through my mind.

......why do I still feel the taste lemons. Why I'm a suddenly wanting to eat lemon flavored things?

More thoughts like that ran through my mind over and over. I was so distracted from those thoughts that I could not notice her approaching until I heard her talk. "Why did you leave me alone with him?" I turned to look at her, she seemed either upset or mad maybe even a hint of both.

"I had the choice to stay or leave. So I exercised my right to choose and left." I explained to her simply, all while slowly picking up the pace. My words seem to have fallen to deaf ears because she just continued talking

"I just don't get him" He is pretty easy to understand

"I  don't understand why he acts the way he does honestly" Well it gets peoples attention

"If I acted the way he does I'll be in trouble with my parents" Why is she talking to me again?

"Honestly with no parents, it's no wonder he acts the way he does." I stopped in my tracks and looked back at her in shock "What did you say?" She looked back at me confused and repeated her words all over again.

"Are you crazy Sakura?" "How can I be crazy, when I'm the one with parents and besides he said something really mean to me so I think it's fair to say what I said." I have never wanted to slap so one before in my entire life until this moment "So if Naruto acts the way he does because he has no parents, what does that make me?"

Sakura opened her mouth to respond, but quickly realized what she had said and promptly kept quiet. "Don't you ever forget that you are lucky enough to have parents to discipline you and to learn from. I lost mine before I could truly rely on them and Naruto lost his god knows when, but that does not give you the right to judge him."

It was obvious that she was embarrassed, I scoffed at that and walked closer to her "Oh and just to let you know I heard what he said pretty clearly." With that I turned around and quickly picked my pace, wanting to be far away from her as possible.

I had hoped that was enough for her to stop following me, but I underestimated her because in that exact second she ran up to me sounding upset. "If you heard what he said why did you not take my side?"

I gave a glare before I bothered to answer her "Because what he said was true and you were crossing my personal boundaries."

Authors Note:
Hey guys, hope you liked this week's chapter. If you guys want to know what Naruto said to Sakura you guys will find out much much much much later in the story so sorry in advance 😅
Also just a quick information this story is not going to go into Sakura bashing, I'm writing her like this for now because she grew up being told that Naruto was less than human and told not to interact with him at all,  but over time she and Naruto do become very close friends!!

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