Chapter 17

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Ah, I see that both regoinzed me, though I'm more surprised that Sasuke even remembers me after all these years. I could feel him staring at from all the way here, when I turned my attention from Naruto I could feel him trying to pierce through my body and soul.

"As I said before, you all have giving me a horrible first impression. Tomorrow morning I expect you all to come over to training ground 10 around 7." I quickly turned around heading to the door, but just as I had my foot out the door the pink haired girl finally began to speak.

"This is not fair, we waited half the day for you to show up. The least you can do is tell us why you did not even bother to show up on time ." Now I could feel all 3 of their eyes on my back.

I let out a sigh, looking over my shoulder to see them all waiting for an answer. Where do I even begin??


"So you're telling me the reason why you removed me from my duty's as captain of the ANBU was so that I would train these kids?" Lord 3rd simply took back the papers and pulled out a lighter. "You make it sound it's the worst thing you have ever experienced in your life."

Well when you say it like that it really does sound like it the worst thing that I need to do.

"Lord 3rd I just don't understand why you picked me, there are many suitable shinboi that can easy handling this assignment." I protested on the spot, hoping I could get out of this. I quickly stopped when the lord 3rd just stared at me blankly with a small smile.

He took a deep breath from his smoke pipe staring intensely at me through the light smoke before he spoke. "You are the best candidate for this job. Besides the council is very upset over the fact that Naruto passed because of you and they already feel uneasy at the idea of him and Sasuke bei-"

He stopped speaking as the door was slammed open. We both turned around to see a shinboi walked through looking absolutely pissed.  "Lord Hokage why on earth would Hatake be on a Genin team." It was just then that two other shinboi came in, bowing quickly to Lord 3rd and grabbing a hold of the person that barged in.

"If you two don't let me go I promise I will drop kick your asses!" He yelled as he made a grab for one of them. I just looked back in complete shock as he successfully left their grips and marched up to the Hokage.

"Just what the hell were you thinking putting an ANBU captain on a newly formed team freshly out of the academy!" He hissed out in rage. I have never agreed more to this man in my life until this moment "As you can see Lord 3rd even he-"

In the next moment he went from glaring at Lord 3rd to slapping me across the face "I don't remember asking for your opinion." I slowly raised my hands to touch the cheek he slapped, it stung very badly. I had a feeling that if I was not wearing my face mask there would most definitely be a bright red hand print.

"Iruka Umino they are not your students anymore, you know fully well that it is I who makes picks the teams not you." The Hokage was right about that, though that did not stop Iruka from feeling even more angry.

"That I understand but what's the point of leaving them under an ANBU captain? Do you plan on throwing one of them in prison?" The Hokage simply remained silent, refusing to answer those two questions as he took a deep breath from his smoke pipe.

"You're not seriously thinking about doing that to children!" He yelled out in rage. From Iruka's perspective he was right they were kids but from the position of the Hokage if he does not have a way to control the child of the nine tails and the last Uchiha the council will take actions that they will call necessary.

That option might even endanger them both. "Iruka, what's done is done." I was fast this time to grab his hands before he could land  another slap. "He assigned me to this team, you are no longer their teacher nor are they your students. They are under my care now so leave." If looks could kill I think Iruka would have won in that exact moment, he looked back at the Hokage waiting for his answer.

The simple nod was all he needed to see before he snatched back his hand and walked to the door. I looked back at the Hokage who smiled at me, clearly happy with the fact that I agreed to take over the squad.

Why do I have the feeling that this is only just the beginning of a long long nightmare?

I heard someone behind me let out a cough, I looked over to see that he had not left at all and was simply glaring at me. "Is there nothing else you would like to argue about Iru-" "It's Umino to you Hatake." He interrupted me and then proceeded to let himself be lend out by the previous Shinboi.

I looked back in shock 

What have I done to offend him?

The Hokage got up and looked out through the window, watching Iruka leaving the building before heading back to me. "Now that you have agreed to teach them, I just need you to do one tiny favor for me." I took a deep breath and look back at him "I have a feeling I have no choice but to agree to this tiny favor."  He simply smiled at my answer.

He took a deep breath, walking back to the window to stare out into the village. "I need you to watch Naruto carefully." I was confused but nodded my head regardless "Of course Lord Hokage." The Hokage let out a tiny laugh, shaking his head "I don't mean it like that Kakashi, I mean watch him closely."

Now I was confused "Why do I have to watch him that closely?"  Lord Hokage did not answer my question and simply walked over to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder, I could feel him tightening his grip as he gave me a tight smile.

I have gone from being confused to being concerned. Just as I was going to say something he quickly removed his hand from my shoulder. "Look at the time, you have to go and great your students."  He said as he was pushing me out the door.

I was out the door in a blink of an eye. Though I was quick enough to put my foot between the door and the frame before it was closed. "You need to answer one thing Lord Hokage, why do I have to watch Naruto that closely?"

His smiling face vanished in an instant and was replaced with complete seriousness as he spoke.
"Go to his apartment tomorrow and you will find out why." I could feel myself getting frustrated at his invasive answers. It was as if he could tell I was getting annoyed because in that moment he spoke his final words before promptly moving my foot out of the way and slamming the door. 

"He is hiding something"

Authors Note:
Hey guys I wanted to let you know that this month might be the last time I'll be posting any of my chapters. The reason why is because on March 10-April 9 will be Ramadan.
If you don't know what that is it's a time where Muslims will fast for 30-31 days. During that time I can't do a lot of things, I will still be making chapters but just not posting any of them until Ramadan is over.
I might even post one more chapter on March before the 10th, but I do intend to post at least 3 to 4 more chapters before then!!

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