Chapter 21

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TWIGGER WARNING ‼️: people deeply injured, throwing up, bruises, and panic attack?

Naruto moved a few feet back and closed his eyes. One moment Kakashi was surrounded by his shadow clones, and the next Naruto made them disappear... including Kakashi himself. Kakashi had used a replacement jutsu at the last second in hopes to tick Naruto. If Naruto was a little more stubborn and careless it might have worked, but in the end he noticed. Naruto surveyed his surroundings, trying to see where Kakshi had hidden himself when something caught his eyes.

About 3 feet away from him, was one of the bells  had somehow fallen near a tree. The sun was shining on it and that alone was the only reason why Naruto had even noticed it near him. With his stomach taking the lead he quickly ran over to grab the fallen bell. Although just before he could bend down and grab it he felt something tighten around his ankles. Before he could react, he found himself hanging upside down. "YOU GOT TO BE KIDDEN ME!" Naruto yelled as he swung back and forth upside down.

Naruto could see the bell so clearly and perfectly as Kakashi emerged from his hiding spot to pick up the bell. "Naruto, if you let your own hunger lead you into battle I can promise that you will not make it out alive." Kakashi ignored Naruto's  ranting as he tied the fallen bell back on his person.

He then turned away and began walking, though he stopped mid walk and turned around to face Naruto. "Also, if the bait is obvious don't fall for it." Naruto could barely register what Kakashi was saying, all too busy trying to get free from the ropes and Kakashi had now decided to find the other two.

It was then that a small shurikens were thrown quickly as Kakashi. All four shurikens brutally wounded him, and there was a loud noise echoing after he was hit. Naruto watched in shock as Kakashi went down to the ground, though right before he could collapse onto the dirt he disappeared. In his place was a log of wood.


Crap he used another substitution jutsu, I have to move quickly before he pin points my location. The moment those shurikens hit "Kakashi" Sasuke knew right away that he fell in a trap. He had to act quickly or else be captured like Naruto and that simply was not an option.

Sasuke moved quickly away from his hiding spot and began to head left, going as far away from his spot as possible. A loud scream rang out about 4 feet to his right, it sounded like Kakashi had found Sakura. I have to move faster if he is this close already.

One moment I was behind Sensei in the bushes and the next moment I was out on the opposite side of the open field. I don't remember how I got here, it might have been a genjutsu used on me or something similar of sorts.

Just where am I and where is Sasuke?

"S-Sakura" I flinched as someone called out my name. Though that quickly disappeared when it  clicked in my head that it was Sasuke's voice. "What is it Sasuke?" I called to him, trying to figure out where his voice is coming from.

"H-help me.." He is in trouble I have to hel-
Sakura stopped in her tracks as she was met face to face with Sasuke. He could barely stand and was leaning against a tree for support, and had what appeared to be 9 deep injuries.

His breath was ragged as the weight of his injuries were slowly dragging him to unconsciousness. He tried to move towards me, but the last thing I remember was someone screaming, violently heaving my breakfast from yesterday and passing out.

I might have gone a little overboard with that, but she does need to know how to see through what's real and what's not.

Kakashi let out a loud yawn as he flipped through his book. "Shinobi Battle Skill Number 2: Illusion Justu." He stated as he continued explaining to no one "Even though you all learned about it class none of you probably had to do something like this and were thus unprepared, a shame really."

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