Chapter 6

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It only took a few days for everyone in and out of the village to understand what had happened to the great Uchiha clan. It bothered Sasuke to a great degree because everyone around him gave him sad and pitiful words or expressions, and if they were not doing that they were acting like they were the best of friends going through this ordeal together.

What made Sasuke even more angry was not during the funeral, where half the people weren't even there to pay respect to the deceased, nor was the fact they just wanted to see if the rumors were true and how to sugarcoat their joy of knowing that there was only survivor was a child, it was how fast the village and everyone else moved on from this horrible tragedy.

It angered Sasuke to such an extent that he had begun to let out all his anger at the training dummies, but that was not the only thing angering him...

Everything was numb, I could not process anything that was happening around me. I could see their mouths moving and yet I could not hear what they were saying. Therefore I kept my eyes focused on the table and the bowl of ramen that was staring right at me.

I felt someone touch my shoulder, when I turned to look it was Iruka Sensei speaking to me. I just nodded my head, focusing my attention back towards the quickly cooling bowl of ramen.

I felt myself slowly zoning out again, when I closed my eyes the images flashed through my mind. I could feel myself wanting to throw up as I began to shake, I was shaking so much that at first I could not hear someone call my name until someone was shaking my shoulders.

"Was it that bad?" I snapped my head back to look at who spoke to me, and Naruto stared right back. I quickly tried to remember what excuse Iruka Sensei gave Naruto before answering him

"Yeah, training was not so good." Nar-

"Sasuke, I need you to pay attention to the lesson or you will fail the test that will come with it." Sasuke snapped his attention from the training dummy and back to the random teacher who had taken over Iruka Sensei's place for the time being.

It took Sasuke at least a day to figure out that Iruka Sensei was not even supposed to be at the Uchiha compound, and only went there to see if he was alive.

Because of this Iruka was given at least a 2 week suspension from his class and something to do assigned by the captain of the Anbu, whoever he was.

Before Sasuke could give what's their name an answer Sakura raised her hand and began to talk "But Sensei, we already went over this a few days ago today we are to practice learning hand signs and then we take the test that you're talking about." The teacher looked at Sakura with disdain for only a moment before looking back at Sasuke.

"Is what the little girl saying correct?" "First of all yes it is, and second of all her name is Sakura and she is not a little girl." Once again before Sasuke could answer he was interrupted by Ino and Naruto.

"Excuse me?" The teacher looked back at them both in surprise as Naruto let out a huff and approached the teacher with Ino following behind, taking Sakura's hand while giving the teacher a dirty look as she began to speak.

"Her name is Sakura, not a little girl. We were assigned to learn simple hand signs that were in Iruka Sensei's desk if you bothered to look, and Sasuke is too busy trying to break that training dummy to care about what you've been trying to say to him for like the last few days, so please stop pecking at him when there are others that can answer your questions, Sensei." It was really obvious that the class did not like the teacher as they did not stop Ino from berating them.

The teacher was quickly getting mad at the blunt disrespect that both kids were giving them. "Listen here children, I am not Iruka so we will do things my way, if you continue to act this way I will have to give out detentions, am I understood." The kids looked at each other for a moment before a few began to nod their heads in agreement, while a huge majority did not move a single muscle.

The teacher let out a deep and frustrated sigh, they were about to speak when suddenly someone began to talk behind them. "I knew that Iruka's students enjoy learning under him but I never expected it to be this much." Everyone looked behind the teacher to see that it was the 3rd Hokage who had spoken.

The class erupted into cheers when they saw who was behind the Hokage, it was Iruka himself smiling at his students, but even though he was smiling at them they all noticed the dark circles underneath his eyes. "Iruka Sensei, are you okay?" Hinata asked as the rest of the kids surrounded Iruka and the Hokage.

"Oh I'm doing very well, just tried with all the stuff that I have to do." The kids were getting excited, thinking that their Sensei was coming. They were just going to ask when there was a loud sound of something breaking, they all. turned around to see what caused that noise.

"SASUKE YOU!" Naruto yelled at Sasuke who was simply staring at the now demolished training dummy before looking back at him "What?" Naruto let out a huff as he answered "I asked you if I could use the training dummy with you and then you destroyed it!"

"Oh...sorry" said Sasuke, though it was very obvious that he really wasn't. Before any more screaming and fighting could happen the Hokage intervened between them "Both of you stop, Iruka please go and grab the things that you forgot so we can go back."

Iruka nodded and gave the kids a small smile as they all let out groans. Once Iruka grabbed the things he needed they both departed, with Iruka promising that he would be back soon. Once they all left the teacher rounded on Naruto.

"Because you caused such a ruckus in front of the Hokage, you will have detention and if ANY ONE of you has a problem with that, you can join him." The class all shut their mouths at that and allowed the teacher to carry on with the lesson that they already finished.


After a horrible day at the academy everyone scrammed to their homes while Naruto stayed behind to deal with whatever detention was given to him.

He was to clean up the training equipment left behind along with the broken dummy that Sasuke broke earlier today. Why do I have to clean up everyone's mess, this is straight bull Naruto was quietly muttering to himself, completely unaware that someone was observing him close by.

The sun was setting by the time he finished and that's when he finally noticed that he was being watched. He looked around trying to sense where they were, but after a while he gave up and just collapsed on the ground. Maybe I'll just take a short nap before heading back.

They watched as Naruto closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep. They waited for a while, watching the sun nearly go down the horizon when they finally moved over to where Naruto lay fast asleep.

They finally approached and simply sat down beside Naruto staring at him. The moment that they close their eyes, the words that Naruto said to them a few nights ago filter past....

"I understand that it is not my business, but at least come up with a better lie or listen to the lie Iruka Sensei said."

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