Chapter 14

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I was still reeling from the fact that I passed my exams. I laid on my bed tossing and turning with joy, I'm one of the few people in my class who was not tied down to a family name full of honor and expectations. I was just a simple girl in the village with the name, Haruno, and there were days where I was glad to be an ordinary person in the village and yet there were times where I just could not stand the fact that most people were surprised that me along the others were able to either pass with flying colors or barely pass. Because of that some people would  lower their standards because we are not part of any clan worth mentioning. I felt so smug about showing off my headband to my neighbors and parents, and in the morning, I will officially meet my new teammates and Sensei and that brought me a whole new wave of joy.


I could barely breathe as I heard my father yelling at me. To be quite honest, after so many years of him berating me over every single tiny thing imageable, I developed a second sense of ignoring everything he says. I surprise myself when I end up remembering what he says days later, though for some reason today I have no idea why he was yelling at me. All I wanted to do was see my sister, go to sleep early so I could get done with this day, and get through tomorrow. I just have a feeling my father would judge whoever my teammates will be if they are not Sasuke, regardless of if they are part of a prominent clan or not.

It drives me crazy. Honestly Sasuke is an excellent student, top of our class and everything, I respect that about him. What I do not like is how my father compares his feats to mine and if it's not Sasuke's feats he is comparing it either with Nenji or my lovely sister. I just know deep down inside that no matter how far I go, he will always compare my feats  to someone else.

How long have we been sitting here? When can I g- "Do you understand what is at stake Hinata?" 

Do I answer or just nod my head?

I took a deep breath and, in the end, decided to do both "Of course father, I understand completely."  Even with my eyes closed I could envision that irritated disappointed glare he is throwing my way. I counted down the seconds carefully as father finally stood up and walked over to me, placing his hand on my shoulders tightly before simply patting me on my back. "Good, let's just hope that kid passing is a joke, or we are in serious trouble."

I turned around quickly and watched fathers back retreating from the room. Once I could not see him anymore, I stood up and quickly headed to my room. I quickly shut my doors and quietly slid to the ground all while chewing my nails.

Which kid got my father that irritated and why?


Every day I wonder how my dad had the willpower to marry mom. She is the only person that I know that makes dad fear for his life, other than the 3rd Hokage and ANBU. I kept my eyes solely glued to my bowl of rice as mom continued to scream at dad over being 10 minutes late for dinner. "Shikaku Nara what on earth were you doing that was more important than having a meal together as a FAMILY!"

Welp dads going to his ear chewed out all night I thought as I set down my chopsticks. Though just before I could get up mom slammed her hands down on the table turning her attention from dad to me "Shikamaru, I do not recall telling you to leave."  I let out a frustrated groan and plopped back down on the chair.  "Mom it's not my fault dad ignored the time and came back late, why should I get punished for it." I calmly explained while looking straight back at her, though all I got back in return was her smiling "Well if that's the case go right on a head to bed Shikamaru."

I let out a sigh of relief, quickly getting up and heading to my room. If she is going to be mad at dad all night, I better head over to Choji's place, I thought  grimly. Just as I had my hands on the doorknob, mom cleared her throat calling out to me overly sweetly "Before I forget try to sneak off to Chojis place and I will have both you and your father clean that place up." I stopped in tracks and turned back to look at mom, who was smiling at me ever so sweetly like she did not just curse me.

"You wouldn't dare..."  I muttered in horror as she gave one of the darkest glares that I have seen in my young life "Oh sweetheart." Mom said as she walked over and smacked me on the head  "I'm your mother of course I will."  I looked back at and to my door before letting out a groan.

"This is such a drag" I yelled out as went back to the dining table, slamming my head against the table in frustration.


Tomorrow could not come any faster. I have waited for years to get through the academy and now my revenge is one step closer. All the trails that I have been following have gone cold for months and whatever happened with Mizuki and Naruto have not stopped going through my mind after he left in a hurry.

I tried to stop myself from digging further on what happened between them but Naruto has made it his mission to act like he has no idea what I am talking about. Just what happened between those two?

That one sentence kept running through my mind over and over as I absentmindedly petted Kenji. I need to push through my Genin training so that I can become a Chuin or simply get well enough to be sent out of the village to search.

For this to work, I need to be assigned with a well rounded team that can help me. Although in the end I might have to do all the hard work myself, there were very few that were good enough for my high expectations.

Tomorrow needs to go my way

Authors Note:
Happy 2024 everyone I truley hope that you guys will all have a splendid year!!

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