Chapter 8

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TW!: Blood, wound/injury on child

Things around them were moving at a quick rate, and yet for them everything seemed to go by very slow. Everyone noticed the change in their behavior and were very careful about what they talked about if they were near ear shot.

Iruka tried to calm them both down and it was working very little to say the least. Therefore, Iruka had begun to assign them both detention until they got their act together.

It worked for a little while before it went downhill once again. Both began to get violent with each other or simply ignored each other over everything.

Then there would be times where one would stop showing up all together and would make an appearance after a couple of days. When that happened, they completely ignored everyone and made no interactions.

To say that it was freaking Iruka out was an understatement, he was losing his mind so much so that he went to the Hokage to speak to him about said issue.

As Iruka was making his way up the stairs, he was stopped by a fellow Shinobi. "The Hokage is not in his office today, he had an errand to run personally, please come back at a later time."

Iruka groaned out in frustration but nonetheless left the building.


The Hokage slowly walked up the stairs, heading over to the last door. He stared at it for only a moment before knocking on the door. A few minutes later the door opened and Naruto moved aside to the Hokage pass.

Barely any lights were on, but the Hokage could hear the light sound of barking coming from Naruto's room. "Naruto, do you have a pet?" Naruto nodded and it was at that moment that the Hokage noticed a bag of dog food along with cans in the kitchen.

"Naruto you know there are no pets allow-" Naruto quickly interrupted him "Pets are allowed in this apartment complex, have for years, please 3rd Hokage can you increase my allowance just a little." Naruto looked up to the Hokage with very pleading eyes.

The Hokage felt himself let out a loud sigh "Alright you can keep the puppy and I'll raise your allowance slightly, but no more pets of any kind okay." Naruto nodded his head very quickly at those words and quickly headed to his room to let out the puppy. The Hokage walked over to the dining table and set said allowance down, and at that moment he noticed something in the sink.

Being curious he walked over and took a look inside, what he saw shocked him. "Naruto came over here for a moment." The room door closing was the only sign that Naruto heard him as he walked over to the Hokage with the puppy in his arms.

"Can you please tell me what is in the sink." said the Hokage as he pulled out a rag covered in blood. It was difficult for the Hokage to see Naruto's expression because of how dimly lit the apartment was but he could have sworn all the color on Naruto's face vanished at his words. "Sir, when I found the puppy, it was in a box sinking, and it had a few deep cuts that the vet treated, they told me to clean out the wound every few days."

The Hokage did not fully believe Naruto's story. Just before he could ask any more questions, someone knocked on the front door and let themselves in. "Lord Hokage, you are needed." The Hokage heard Naruto let out a quiet sigh of relief as he turned his back to him "Well you're very busy, see you around." The Hokage grabbed a hold of his shoulders, trying to make him turn around.

"Now wait one moment Naru-" Naruto yelped in pain as the Hokage successfully turned him around. Under the dim light Naruto's shirt was covered in blood and with the Hokage's hand on his shoulder adding pressure, more blood gushed out.

They both stared at each other in long tense silence. Just then the strange person cleared their throat which caused Naruto and the Hokage to break eye contact. "I must leave, goodbye Naruto." The Hokage left quickly, not sparing Naruto a second look as he shut the door.

Naruto stood in the kitchen looking at the bloody rag before letting out a curse and quickly throwing it in the trash.


Kenji was laying down on the couch sleeping while his owner was pacing back and forth in the living room. Where in hell is he? As time passed, he was beginning to get more agitated, just as he was about to lose his mind a light knocking sound was heard through the door.

The second Kenji heard it, he sprinted towards the door barking and wagging his tail excitedly. Kenji was then picked up by his owner as he opened the door. "What took you so long?" "Sorry, someone came to visit." Naruto quickly walked in with Kenji's brother in his own arms. The moment Naruto and Sasuke let down the puppies they run off to play. "Who would want to visit you?" Sasuke asked as they both collapsed on the couch, Naruto just shook his head quickly changing the subject "How were you able to pick a name for your dog?"

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, clearly noticing what Naruto was doing but regardless going along with it "I just stared at him as I picked random names that came to my head why do you ask?" Naruto was quiet as he rubbed his shoulder "I can't really think of a name for Kenji's brother, do you have any ideas on what name I should give him?" Sasuke looked back at Naruto's dog thinking.

While Sasuke was thinking of names, Naruto got up and went to the kitchen looking for some type of snack to eat. "How about Leto?" Naruto thought about that name for a moment before speaking "Maybe, I just thought of naming him Miso, what do you think?" "As in miso ramen?" Sasuke responded. Naruto laughed and nodded his head "Maybe, but I really don't know."

"Naruto, name your dog a name that you both feel comfortable with, my choice of opinion should not be your concern." Naruto just laughed before stopping out of the blue as Sasuke continued speaking "Which reminds why do you not go to school for s few days and then suddenly show up,"

The sound of the dogs playing was the only thing heard as they both stared at each other. Sasuke opened his mouth again to ask his question before Naruto answered him. "Some days I just wake up feeling unmotivated to show up, that's all." It was clear to both of them that Sasuke was not buying it, but it was never brought back up so Naruto did not care.

Naruto stayed for a while longer before picking up his dog and heading back to his place. Sasuke set Kenji down on his bed and he walked back to the living room to pick up the dog toys left all over the ground. Once Sasuke was finished picking the toys, he headed over to the kitchen to see what Naruto had eaten. As he was putting the plate in the sink to wash in the morning, he noticed something bright on the floor.

Sasuke knelt to the kitchen floor to clean it up...

When was Naruto bleeding?

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