Chapter 19

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If team 7 found their Sensei to be a hypocrite before it was an absolute fact now. The first to arrive on time was Sasuke, he was sleepy and was totally not thinking about eating some tomato onigiri.

After 3 minutes Sakura also arrived, when she noticed Sasuke she quickly avoided his gaze. She was still guilty after their argument yesterday and did not know how to approach him. Sasuke saw her arrive, he gave her a simple nod and then proceeded to ignore her.

They both waited for Naruto or Kakashi Sensei to arrive. To be quite frank they both thought that it was Naruto who would show up before their own Sensei, and they were correct. Naruto arrived, he looked tried and drained. He did not even bother trying to start a conversation with either of them.

He instead went over to one of the many trees in the area and laid his back to it. Neither of them noticed him wincing as he laid against it, and now that he had arrived all that was left was Kakashi Sensei. Just like yesterday, all three waited for him to show up.

Although unlike yesterday, their roles were mostly reversed. Sasuke was glaring at the entrance, Sakura was pacing back in forth clearly getting more pissed off as time crept by, and Naruto had his back pressed against the tree with his head on his knees. He wrapped his arms around his head to keep away the light away as he was taken deep breathes to steady himself.

After an hour and a half, when they almost gave up on waiting for him to show up they all turned around when they heard someone clear their throat "I'm glad to see that you all made it." At long last Kakashi Sensei had finally decided to grace them with his presence.

Sasuke had an impassive look on his face, Naruto slowly rose to feet he looking both amused and annoyed, and finally there was Sakura who lost her cool. She wanted to know why he was the one who was late when he was the one that assigned the time.

"A cat crossed my path and so I decided to follow it till it got home safely." (Slept past his alarm and got sidetracked) Kakashi stated simply. None of them believed their Sensei's story but they all wanted to get whatever he had in mind over with so they did not say a single word about it.

Kakashi waited till all three of them were gathered around him to explain why he gathered them all here today. "Before we get started, I want you all to take a seat and tell me what are your likes, dislikes, and what you want to achieve."  Kakashi waited for one of the to start speaking.

He soon realized that they all were bluntly waiting for him to start his own assignment. He sighed a little "My name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes hmmm not saying, my dislikes uhh not saying, and my dreams are not worth sharing to you guys."

"Well that was not even helpful." muttered Naruto, though regardless he still decide to go first. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I love ramen my favorites are Miso, Shoyu, and Tonkotsu ramen, I really don't like ramen that's to salty like Shio ramen but it's okay, and my to be Hokage!" Naruto avoided Kakashi Sensei's eyes once he was done speaking

Sakura decided to go next. "My name is Sakura Haruno, my likes are looking at ancient scrolls or forgotten medicinal things and (looked back at Sasuke blushing.) , my dislikes are well I have much more of things that annoy me so I'm not going to talk about that, and my dream is to prove to others that no matter if your part of a clan or not you can earn the respect with hard work."

Sasuke and Naruto looked back at her in surprise at her last words. Sakura glared back, it was impossible at that moment to take her glare seriously from the faint blush on her face, but by then all of them had their attention focused on Sasuke.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, my likes are nothing, my dislikes are plenty, and my dream is to end the life of a certain someone." Sakura flinched at that, while Naruto rolled his eyes like he has heard it a thousand times before.

After a moment where no one talked Kakashi cleared his throat. "Now that we have...settled this conversation we can finally begin the true assignment I will have you call do." All three now were now were staring into his soul waiting for his next words.

"So eager, So eager" Kakashi cleared his throat and pulled out two bells. These bells were tried with a thin red string each. "Your job, is to get past me and take one of them. You have until lunch time to get these bells."

"But Sensei how will that work?" said Sakura, who was very confused. Kakashi titled his head and looked back at her, amusement dancing in his eyes. "What are you confused about Sakura?"

She took a deep breath "Well there are 3 of us but 2 bells. Is the assignment that only 2 of us can pass it?" Kakashi only nodded his head. "So that's it?" Sakura looked back and gave Naruto a glare at his, what she sees as a rude, question.

"Well not exactly. You see if none of you catch one of the bells, or one of you do and the other two don't you will fail and be sent back to the academy."





Authors Note:
First off I would like to apologize for the very late update. I wanted to post this chapter on Thursday or Friday but alas school got in the way. I wanted this chapter to go a little more further and write about their little fight like in anime. But if I did that it would have been a 2 weeks wait instead for a couple of reasons.

For starters I would need to practice how to write the scene because it would be the first time of me writing such a scene in years, secondly I wanted to post at least one more chapter before Ramadan, and finally like stated before I was to busy with school to actually have time to write so it probably would have been longer than 2 weeks 😅😅

So I apologize for the short chapter but hope you guys in enjoy. Next chapter will be my last for a while 👋👋

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