Chapter 2

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Warning slight Swearing/Cussing in this chapter!
The first few chapters will focus on the characters when they are younger than go to when they are 12. Along with that later in the story I will post chapters taking them back to when they were kids, similar to that of the anime!!

He looked up and stared at the man before walking over to the only available seat. As he sat down, conversation slowly started up again. "Now everyone listen up, since this is the first day there will be no lessons or training until tomorrow."

The class was a mix of cheers and boos of the prospect of no training on the first day, "Now now please stand up when I call your name and tell us what you want to do when you graduate." One by one students got up, saying their names and what they wanted to do.

"My name is Ino Yamanka and I want to be chief of the Intelligence Depart, which is under my father at the moment."

"My name is Shikamaru Nara and this is a drag."

"My name is Choji Akimchi and I want to either open a restaurant for food or eat food."

"My name is Hinata Hyuuga and I....I...will be l..leader of my clan."

"My name is Shino Aburame and I just want to collect some bugs and insects."

"My name is Kiba Inuzuka and I want to help my sister at the clinic for pets."

"My name is Sakura Haruno and I want to be a great shinobi."

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha and I want to be just like my big brother."

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I want to be a great Hokage."

When Naruto said those words the class erupted into laughter, and yet all he did was give a grin and stand proudly. "Well, those are all great ambitions you guys have there, except for you Shikamaru, now let's go on a little tour of your academy." The kids quickly got up when Iruka said those words and practically ran out of the door.


Iruka walked into the teachers' lounge before collapsing onto the nearest couch letting out a deep sigh. "Was it a bad first day or a good first day Iruka?" Iruka looked up, staring at his fellow colleague, Gen, before answering "Well it was a really weird day; don't get me wrong I loved it, but I didn't expect to see...Naruto." Gen dropped his pen in shock. "The 3rd Hokage really allowed you to teach a class with it as a student?"

"I'm sorry but what the hell is it?" Iruka asked, clearly confused. Before Gen could give him an answer, more teachers walked in and that drove his attention to them instead of Iruka.

"You guys will not believe who Iruka has as a student, he has it in his class." The rest of the teachers' emotions and reactions were ranging all over the place before Iruka finally got what his colleague was talking about.

Once Iruka understood he was very furious "What the hell is wrong with you, his name is not "it" its Naruto and he is a child under the care of academy" The teachers doubled back in shock over Iruka's reaction, especially Gen "But Iruka, that thing is the reason why you lost your parents a few years back." Iruka looked at Gen like he was crazy.

"Yes they did die because of the Nine Tails, the Nine Tails attacked the village." Gen backed off as Iruka slowly approached him "Naruto was a few hours old when the Nine Tails attacked and SEALED into his body." Iruka then looked at everyone in the room "Do you think he raised his hands and volunteered to have that creature inside him, here is the quick answer fuck no" He then shook his head before continuing "You are calling him a monster when in reality you're the monsters, if you are going to give Naruto that attitude stay the hell away from me and my students, good day."

The teachers stood there in complete shock as Iruka walked out and slammed the door. "Note to self do not ever make Iruka mad" someone muttered in the quiet room.
"I'm home!" I said as I put on my house shoes "Welcome back Sasuke, how was your day?" My mom wrapped me in a quick hug before hurrying me over to the kitchen. "It was great, I got to meet the others that will be in my class and I'm really happy about it."

Mom gave me a small smile as she cut some fruits for me to eat. "The kids in your class are that great?" I let out a hum as I ate my apples before answering her "Well most of them are from other clans like me and then I was surprised to see that Naruto was in my class, considering he was not at the school meeting a few weeks back."

"....Naruto was in your class?" I looked up from my plate to see a very complicated look on my mom's face. "Yeah, he is, why is it a bad thing?" Before she could answer Itachi and father walked in. When Itachi saw me, he let out a psmall smile

"Well well, how was your first day Sasuke?" "It was really great, I got to see the rest of my class and Naruto is in it too." The plate in my father's hand shattered to the floor as he turned to me, he had a scary look in his eyes. "Listen very carefully to what I am about to say to Sasuke, if Naruto is in your class, do everything in your power to not acknowledge his presence or interact with him."

I looked up at him shocked and confused. "But why, he is a kid just like me and he did nothing for me to do that." My father shook his head and gave me a cold stare. "This is for your safety Sasuke, just be more like Itachi and listen to what I say alright." "That is enough from both of you, Itachi go set the table and Sasuke come with me for a moment."

I nodded and gave my father a dirty look before going over to my mother. "Do not take what your father said to heart, he only means to do and say that to protect you." I let out a little snort. "He sure has a funny way of showing it huh, does he even realize that I am not the second version of big brother?" My mom only let out a sigh, "Of course he knows you are his son, he loves both of you very equally, believe me."

"Whatever you say mom."

........there really is nothing to eat again, I pulled out my wallet and groaned. Of course, I would not have enough to pay for food, I might either have to wait for the hokage and his crappy paycheck or pray to whoever hears my prayers and hope that the ramen shop is open at this time. I quickly put on my shoes as I shut my apartment door and ran down the stairs to enter the streets.

Thankfully, my prayers were answered and indeed the ramen shop was open."There you are boy; you want your usual?" I nodded my head as I sat down. "I don't have enough money to pay right now, will it be okay if I pay you in about 2 weeks?" The ramen owner just let out a laugh "Don't worry kid this is on the house since it's your first day of school, and besides you always pay me back so no need to me."

I let out a quiet laugh "Thank you so very much, without you and your ramen I might've starved." The owner only let out a loud laugh "No one goes starving when they enter or leave my shop!"

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