Chapter 3

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I wake up, shower, change, eat breakfast, head over to the academy, and watch my students interact and train with each other. That's been my routine for the last 2 months and all I have to say is that I enjoy it, minus the fact that some of the students don't actually put in the effort or just don't bother trying at all when it comes to either training or lessons.

"Shikamaru, please get off the ground and at least try to throw the kunai at the tree trunk." I did not need to turn around to know that Shikamaru was in fact still on the ground when he replied, "But Sensi it's a drag and the ground feels much more comfortable right Choji?"

The sound of Choji opening another bag of chips was Shikamaru's only answer "Well it's either writing about it on paper with the entire class or doing what you're being asked, pick your poison kid." Shikamaru let out a loud groan; in the next second hiskunai was thrown and with a loud THUMP it hit the tree spots on. "Would you look at that, you can throw a kunai good for you, now who's next?" With Shikamaru now done, I moved him to another course as I told the other kids to copy what he did to the best of their abilities.

"Iruka, you are needed by 3rd Hokage for something please come." I nodded at the person without turning around. "Everyone come back inside, we are going to have a short review and quiz over the things we learned this week." The boos and groans almost made me laugh as I watched them slowly make their way back inside "Who will be taking over my class while I'm gone to the Hokage?" I asked while going around and picking up the dropped equipment.

"Well, most of the teachers are busy, but I think Gen is free at the mome-" I quickly cut him off. "No, he will not be entering my class, if there is no one else kindly ask the hokage to meet me in person or wait till the day is over." It was then that I got a glimpse of who I was talking to.

"Ah I'm sorry, may I ask what's your name?" The person was wearing a strange mask, meaning they were part of the Anbu "No I cannot, it's confidential I'll go and tell the hokage what you have said." With a short bow he disappeared, I left out a sigh and quickly headed back to my students. No way was I leaving them with Gen.


"Lord Hokage, Iruka said that he won't be able to show up if Gen is in charge of his class; he also said to either see him in person or see him after the day is over." "I see thank you for the information, you are now dismissed." With a loud pop they disappeared leaving the hokage deep in his own thoughts. It looks like Iruka is fitting in very well, but what's the matter between him and strange.

The hokage shifted his attention to the birds that were chirping and flying around his window when all of a sudden someone was knocking on the door. "Come on in." A shinobi quickly entered and gave a bow before speaking "Lord 3rd, it's around the time that child gets his allowance and rent, the landowner has begun to lose their patience." The hokage sighed internally as he walked over to his desk, grabbing the envelope that was needed before walking over to the door.

"Are school hours over already?" The shinobi quickly nodded his head in answer "Alright then, please inform Iruka that I would like to have a word with him when I'm done with this." "Of course, Lord 3rd." With a quick bow that shinobi left to inform Iruka of the Hokages decision.

The Hokage quickly exited the building and began to head over to see the boy, upon arrival stood the boy himself "Mr. Hokage, I have something I want to ask you about." It was obvious that whatever it was he was nervous to say out loud "Why don't you tell whatever it is that's bothering you inside okay?" With a quick nod they both entered the apartment, the landlord looked up pleased to see the money, once they had it, they quickly left without another word leaving the boy and the hokage to themselves.

"I was wondering if you could tell me anything about my parents" The Hokage let out a sigh as he shook his head "Naruto, your parents have passed there is no point in telling you." Naruto did not look surpassed at those words to the slightest. "Then what about a picture at least, please no one tells anything about them I just want to know them" Naruto's voice cracked near the end as he looked up into the hokage's eyes, tears close to spilling. "The answer is still no, everything happens for a reason, child please understand that."

Naruto let out a quiet sound before turning away. "So being neglected, mistreated, ignored by half the village, parents abandoning me, and relying on your really bad money allowances is happening to me for a reason alright I get it." The hokage got to his feet putting his hand on Naruto's shoulder "You know that is not what I meant Naruto please do not get worked up." Naruto shoved off the Hokages hand and turned to look at him "Please just go, you're a very busy guy."

After that no matter what the Hokage said, Naruto did not acknowledge him, so he turned around and left heading over to Iruka. "Welcome Lord Hokage, forgive me for not arriving earlier to you today." The Hokage simply shook his head "Do not apologize for that Iruka, I just wanted to ask how you were doing among other things." Just as they sat down, the door banged open abruptly "LORD HOKAGE COME QUICK!"

"What's wrong, what happened?" the shinobi panting as he answered "The Uchiha's been...slaughtered."

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