Chapter 10

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TW: Cursing and slight injury
(If I am missing any please let me know so that I can edit and add it.)

It was very surprising that the room was very cold despite being crowded and covered in books and scrolls.

He looked down at the note that Mizuki wrote for him and looked around, trying to see what he was talking about. It was at that moment that he noticed some type of door near the left end of the room that caught his attention, he did not know why but it was almost as if that door was calling to him.

It was like he was in a trance; he walked over and raised his hands towards the door and signs that he could not understand began to glow before quickly vanishing.

Naruto heard the sound of the door being unlocked and quickly walked in, behind the door was a room covered in dust from head to toe. Many scrolls were laid out in the room, but the scrolls that caught Naruto's attention were the ones laid out on an altar in the center of the room. He walked up to the altar and stared at the scrolls.

They had some type symbols on them and that caused him to start wondering to himself where he had seen them. He just shrugged quickly grabbing the two scrolls and quickly closed the door. He could hear the sound of the door locking itself.

It was not long before Naruto found the scroll that he was originally looking for. He could feel himself getting excited, so much so that he did not hear the door behind him open until he could hear the Shinobi yelling at him. He was startled looking around for a way to leave and noticed a window nearby. He broke through and quickly ran off.


"Lord Hokage here are all the papers for the new Genin." The Hokage looked up and saw that it was Iruka and simply nodded his head "Thank you, please set the papers over here." Iruka let out a sound of acknowledgement as he set the papers. Although just before the papers touched the Hokage's desk the door was slammed open and a shinobi by the name of Keil stormed in. Keil looked out of breath, panting as he crouched down.

" intrusion...but that kid stole the Scrolls of Seals...and has...fled when I caught him." It did not take a genius to know who Keil was talking about. The Hokage summoned all available shinobi to arrive at his office immediately, and in a matter of moments the shinobis crowded the Hokage's office waiting for whatever order they were about to receive. "Naruto Uzumaki has broken into the Hokage building and stolen the Scroll of Seals. I need you all to find the scroll and bring Naruto here to me."



It was a smart move to practice in the forest, no one bothers coming here at night and with the place that Mizuki told Naruto he felt more at ease. Now that I have the scroll it's time to learn that annoying jutsu!! Naruto could feel himself getting excited by the idea of finally learning the shadow clone jutsu and quickly opened the scroll to begin his training.


We have been looking for Naruto for half the night, unable to find him in the village or even in his own apartment. With no other choice we split up and began searching the forest surrounding the village. Although that too was beginning to go south, some of the Shinobi believed that he made his way over to the Land of Waves and gave the Scroll of Seals to them to enter their village, and yet something was not adding up. Iruka could not determine why he felt that way but he could feel like they were all missing something important and yet he could not figure out what it was....

Where is Mizuki??

Iruka looked around at the group he was in and did not see Mizuki. "Do any of you know where Mizuki is?" One of the group looks up from the ground to answer him "He said that you told him to go back to his apartment and check if he was...there..."

The silence was deafening....

"Shit" At that moment the group split up, one half going back to the village and the other half going to the last place they saw Mizuki.


He was exhausted beyond belief but he could feel like he was almost there, all he needed was a little bit more chakra and then he would have finally mastered the justu. Just as he closed his eyes he heard a sound of someone approaching quickly from his left so Naruto got up from the grass to see who it was. I really am lucky tonight, thought Naruto as he saw Iruka breaking through the tree, he was panting and out of breath, but that did not stop Iruka from yelling at him either.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING STEALING AN IMPORTANT SCROLL LIKE THAT, WHERE IS MIZUKI!!" Naruto flinched and covered his ears as Iruka yelled at him before he uncovered his ears and looked up at Iruka. "Sensei, I was told by Mizuki Sesnei that this scroll could help me just look!" At that moment Naruto moved his hands in a quick motion and with a loud pop two perfect copies of Nartuo stood in front of Iruka.

Iruka stopped his yelling and looked at him with shock but Naruto could have sworn he saw a pride and joy in Iruka's eyes before he went back to yelling. "NARUTO WHERE IS MIZ–AH!"

A kunai was thrown and hit Iruka mid thigh...


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