Chapter 16

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In a matter of seconds, the girls were screaming, and both boys jumped back from each other. Shikamaru let out a quite sorry and tried to bolt to the door with Choji. Though just as he was about to make it, the door slid open and in walked Iruka looking confused as he looked over at Naruto who was gagging like his life depended on it, Sasuke who had a terrified look on his face, and the girls fighting each other to see who could fight with Naruto first.

Iruka just stared back at the chaos blinking in confusion before letting out a little sigh and clapped his hands loudly. It took a few moments for most people to notice that he had arrived and slowly things started to settle down, well expect for the girls. Most of them began screaming at Naruto for stealing the most important thing from them and that was all Iruka needed to hear as he made his way over to dismantle the fight.

"That is enough from you all, take a sit so that we can begin." Iruka said calmly. The girls quieted down significantly, but they all had their eyes on the seat beside Sasuke. Iruka shook his head and turned his attention to Naruto asking him to get off the table and sit down.

Naruto looked back at Sasuke before turning away and taking a seat closer to the end of the table. Iruka looked back at the group of girls who were still all standing and glaring at Naruto. "If none of you sit, I'll pick where you all will sit." uttered Iruka, those words caused the group of girls to surround him. Each one wanting to sit next to Sasuke.

Being left with no choice he looked at the group of girls, thinking on who would sit there. "Sakura go and sit down next to Naruto and Sasuke, the rest of you if you're still standing in the next five seconds you will be removed from class." With those words said they all dispersed quickly doing as instructed.

Sakura beamed as she sat next to Sasuke, feeling that she accomplished the impossible as Iruka immediately began to explain how the next few minutes will go "As of today, you are all ninjas. To get here, you faced difficult tests and intense training to be sitting in this class today" Iruka said proudly with a smile that quickly disappeared as he continued.

"Although none of that will be compared to what it really means as a ninja in the real world, every one of you that are standing before me are Genin, level 1 ninjas, because of this you all know that each of you will be placed into a three-man team." Iruka had to pause for a moment to allow the kids to feel the level of excitement at that thought.

"Your new Sensei's will be fully trained Jounin, which if you remember is the rank below that of the Hokage, who will train and guide you until you become Chunin like myself. Now if there are no questions, I would like to begin naming your new team and Sensei." finished Iruka, as he waited, he quickly looked down at the paper in his hands.

When no one said anything, he took that as a sign to begin. "Team 1 will be composed of..."  and that's how it went ever so slowly. Iruka did not go in order, he did this to keep the kids at the edge of their seats and for his own amusement.

"Team 10 we have Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimichi. Your Sensei will be Asuma Sarutobi." Choji simply opened a bag of chips, Shikamaru groaned in annoyance over the fact that he would have to work alongside Ino, and Ino was mad over the fact that she was not partners with Sasuke.

Iruka stopped for a moment to have a little drink of water before continuing with the list. "Team 8 we have Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame. Your Sensei will be Kurenai Yuhi." Hinata did not make a sound, she simple lowered her head slightly while Kiba and Shino sat relaxed in their seats.

"Team 7 we have Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha. Your Sense-Sakura stop trying to strangle Naruto." True to his words when the kids turned around they saw her trying to wrap her hands around his neck for no reason.

"Why, he said something very mean and did not apologize." said Sakura as she once again tried to attack him. Naruto just simply laughed "You say I said something mean, but did anyone hear me say it?"

Everyone's attention went back to her, waiting for an answer. She was flabbergasted for a moment before turning around to Sasuke "You heard him right Sasuke?" She said confidently waiting for him to agree.

While Sasuke, who had his attention to the windows, turned to look at her blankly "What are you talking about?" The room was silent for a second before it was full of laughter. It was then that Iruka forcefully had to get the classes attention to finish the formation of team 7.

"As I was saying before, your Sensei for team is Kakashi Hat-...." No one could understand why Iruka had stopped talking or why he crumbled up the paper so quickly.

They all waited for him to continue but he never did. He simply looked up from the crumbled sheet of paper, gave them a small smile, and said that they would have to wait here till there Sensei arrived.

After saying those words he stormed out, slamming door behind him in the process. The kids stared back at the door in shock, this was the first they have seen Iruka act in such as way.

Eventually they settled down and began to mingle around, waiting for their Sensei's to arrive. Well most Sakura began to pester Sasuke, who completely ignored her and her pestering.

Very slowly Jounin began to enter the class and call out their team. In the end it was just Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke waiting on their Sensei.

"How can a guy be this late?" muttered Naruto as he paced around the empty classroom, he kept looking back at the clock every 2-3 minutes. After a while he huffed in annoyance and grabbed something from the broad.

"That's never going to work Naruto, the guy is a Jounin he won't fall for a such a dumb prank." Sakura said as she watched him put it on the top of the door. Naruto turned around to tell her that he simply did not care and wanted to have some fun when the door slid open.

A man with white hair and a mask covering half of his face watched as it landed on the floor and let out a sigh that sounded like he was disappointed. "I have only been here for 3 seconds and I already don't like any of you." They all stared back in shock, well only Sakura and Naruto, Sasuke had stopped half way through getting up and was tense.

The strange man looked at each of them very quickly before he introduced himself. "Your teacher may have already said who I am but my name is Kakashi Hatake and I will be your Sensei."

Now it was Naruto's turn to become tense

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