Chapter 15

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I present to you this weeks chapter!! I just wanted to let you guys know that I will not update next week because this weekend is my birthday and so I will be focused on celebrating with my family during those days so see you guys a week after 👋👋

Today will officially be the last day I can truly call them my students. Just that thought alone made me want to burst into tears of joy. So many of them made me worried that they would not pass, but every single one of them proved me wrong. I leaned back into my chair at the lounge and let out a relaxed sigh.

After all this is settled I can peacefully enjoy my 3 week vacation before coming back to teach a whole new generation of future shinobi.  I can already imagine what my lazy cosy 3 weeks are going to be like and I honestly can't wait for it.

"Iruka, here is the list of people assigned for your class." said Emu, a dear friend, I beamed and quickly grabbed the paper. "Thank you Emu, I'll treat to some food later." Emu just hummed in acknowledgment and went back to handing out the papers for the others.

I truly wanted to stay in bed with Miso a little longer, but today was a very important day for me so I had leave the comfort of my own bed. I grabbed a pair of clothes from my closet before heading to the bathroom to wash myself.

Once I was done, I quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed some food for Miso before moving on to make mine. Have ramen in the morning is an absolute blast to be very honest.

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and quickly got up. "I'll be back later, bye bye Miso." I gave him some extra food and water before heading out the door and locking it. Today is finally the day!!!

It felt like I sprinted all the way from my apartment to the school to actually arrive on time. I could not stop myself from grinning as I slid open the door and walked right inside.

"Hold on is that Naruto?" said someone who I can't really remember the name of. It was at that exact moment Shikamaru decided to speak "You do know that this is for people that passed right?"

People all around me snickered at Shikamarus remark and that made me annoyed "Well Shikamaru if you bothered to look on top of my head you all can plainly see that I did pass." It was then that half the class did look up and see my headband.

So many groaned in annoyance and I could faintly hear Shikamaru mutter his famous "what a drag" words, though right after I could have sworn he said congratulations.

I looked around and saw that the only seat available was right next to Sasuke. I quickly made myself comfortable right next to him. It was then that the door was slammed open.

Everyone looked back to see that it was Sakura and Ino trying to push through the door at the same time. Is this one of their stuipd bets again? Was the question going through myself and probably everyone else's mind when Sakura cried out that she was first.

Once we knew it was a bet, most of us stopped listening to what they were fighting about.  I put my head down on the table trying to get a little shut eye before the teacher arrives.

I breathed in and out slowly and in no time I was drifting off to sleep. Although, just before I could completely fall asleep I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and begin to roughly shake me.

"What the hell can you not see I'm trying to get some shut eye." I muttered as I buried my head further into the table as I possibly could. Just as I was about to fall asleep again the same person shook me even more roughly.

I shifted my head over to the side and opened my eyes to see who it was. I was surprised to see that it was Sakura, glaring at me.  What the hell did I do wrong now?

I gave her a small irritated smile waiting for her to give me an explanation, which she did not provide. I took a deep breathe as I lifted my head from the table and gave her a smile "What can I do for you Sakura?"

She returned my smile with a smile "I need you to move to a different seat so that me and Ino can sit over here." I could not stop myself from laughing at her words.

Everyone turned around to see what was going on. It took me a while to stop laughing at her remarks and once my laughing stopped I just looked at her sweetly. "There is one seat available so you cans pick over it, but I'm not moving because I got here first."

Sakura just stared back at me, blinking a few times before getting angry "It's not that hard to move somewhere else Naruto." "And it's not hard for you to leave me alone and look for a place to seat." I said right back.

It was like steam was coming out of her ears when she realized that I was not going to budge. "Look Naruto I have no clue why you are even here so just move over." I simply ignored her and turned around staring at Sasuke.

"Do you mind if Ino or Sakura sit in the middle?" I asked overly sweetly. He turned around to look at us, he looked really annoyed with the whole thing. "Does it look like I care?" Sasuke to his credit really did not look like he cared in the slightest.

Sasuke really knows how to take my fun away because the second Ino and Sakura heard that the both grinned. "Heard that, Sasuke does not care so move."

Sakura tried to grab me but I quickly got on top of the table. "No, I got here first back off." Both were getting more angry as the minutes passed. I tried to ask for Sasukes help, but it was at that moment that he all of a sudden found the window to be the most interesting thing in the whole world.

I don't know why but that action alone rubbed me the wrong way. "HEY! Turn around and stop the mess YOU started!" I faintly heard Sakura and Ino yelling at me because of me yelling at Sasuke, but I was solely focused on Sasuke and him alone.

I heard him scoffing and that alone made me event more irritated. I squatted down to his eye level "Don't ignore me Sasuke." I could plainly see the shocked look in his eyes before sadly vanishing and was replaced with a dark sarcastic look.

He slowly turned around and faced me. He put his hands underneath his chin and smiled "Or what?"

I did not say a single word, only glaring back him. I felt myself being proud of the fact that I got his attention.
I'm so bored and the teacher is taking forever to get here. I looked over at the clock thinking about how fast I can go to get something to eat before a teacher comes in.

It only took a second for me decide that the risk was worth it. Honelsty hearing the girls along with Sakura and Ino fight over those seats was starting to become a drag.

I turned over to Choji and grabbed his elbow "Hey Choji let's go get a snack fro-ow."  I rubbed the back of my head from the impact.

Why is it so quiet in here all of a sudden?

I looked over to the crowd of girls that formed around Sasukes table. Every single one of them had their mouths open in shock. I seriously did not get what happened, I turned around and immediately took a small step back at what I saw.

Why does he taste like lemons?
Why does he taste like lemons?

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