Chapter 11

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TW: Swearing, talking about injury, injury happening, stabbing of a certain organ, and calling cruel names.

The sounds of Naruto screaming snapped Iruka out of his trance. He quickly removed the kunai from his thigh, letting out a soft hiss as the pain slowly began to spread. He surveyed his surroundings, trying to pinpoint where the kunai was throwing while Naruto was approaching him to see the injury.

"Where did that kunai com-" "NARUTO STAY BACK!" Just as Iruka yelled out those words a kunai with a paper bomb attached to it was thrown to the ground and exploded. Both were thrown back by the impact, Iruka's ears were ringing, and his eyesight was very blurry, but he could distinctly hear the sound of Naruto groaning in pain.

He tried to move but quickly realized that his body was paralyzed from the explosion. As he tried to catch his breath, a patch of purple hair caught his attention. He could feel himself getting angry as Mizuki gave him a devilish smile in his direction before turning his attention to Naruto and grabbing him by the throat, choking him roughly before tossing him to the ground like a bag of dirt.

"I see you have what I was looking for." Iruka's eyesight was slowly clearing but he could see enough to conclude that Mizuki had his foot pressing down on Naruto's throat, his anger was about to double over at the sight. "Get your fucking foot off my students throat you fucking bastard." Iruka let out as Mizuki grabbed the Scroll of Seals from Naruto.

"Honestly Iruka calling this thing your student is demeaning after everything he has done to you." Mizuki said, looking down at Naruto with disgust as he stared back in confusion. "Sensei, what is he talking about?" Iruka got to his feet, quickly throwing Mizuki off Naruto and stood between them before speaking directly to Mizuki "It is forbidden by law to speak of it so shut your damn mouth."

Mizuki just let out a laugh looking back at Naruto "Such a shame the Hokage had forbidden it, although since I am leaving with this precious scroll, I'll let you in on the village secret." Before Iruka could do anything, Mizuki had pressed a weapon to his throat and forced him to turn around, making him directly face Naruto.

"You see, 12 to 13 years ago this village was attacked by a demon called the nine tails, it killed many and injured thousands. Poor Iruka's parents were killed trying to save this crap of a village, therefore in order to save the people the 4th Hokage chose you as its vessel and was killed while performing the seal that trapped the demon inside you." Iruka could not bear to see the look on Naruto's face as he processed the things Mizuki was saying.

Mizuki himself was laughing as he continued "So you see, you hold the thing that ended the lives of the 4th Hokage, Iruka's parents, and countless others. You are a demeaning monster that should have been locked up in a cell to rot." Naruto took a step back looking frightened and Mizuki forced Iruka to move forward as he continued to speak faster " No one wants you here and if you did graduate your exams the people would have made sure that you would never leave this village, you are this villages war weapon your life is meaningless to them all." Those words completely and underly made fear enter Naruto's eyes as he looked straight to Iruka's "Is he... telling the truth Sensei?"

Iruka felt the knife pressing down on his throat as Mizuki whispered to him to say something. "It's true Naruto, everything he said about what happened 13 years ago is true." Naruto closed his eyes letting out a shaky breath and let out an equally shaking laugh "So I was never going to pass my exams even if I mastered the shadow clone jutsu right?" The only sound of acknowledgement to his words was the harsh cold laugh of Mizuki as he finally let go of Iruka.

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