Chapter 22

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After Team 7 passed their Sensei's exam, they gathered around for a picture. Though that quickly turned into a disaster the moment Sasuke and Naruto began to bickering like children, the only way they stopped was by Sakuras intense glare.

In the first week of being an official team, the high they felt quickly vanished. It was as if they were still at the academy with all the E and D rank missions Kakashi Sensei approved for them to do. By the third week, all 3 have begun to dislike one certain mission with an undying passion.

"Sasuke here, I'm at point B."

"Sakura here, I'm at point C."

"Naruto here, I'm at point A."

I'm just hoping Naruto stays in position this time. Kakashi thought to himself despairingly as he recalled what happened the last time Naruto failed to listen to him. Just then Sakuras voice filtered through "Target locked, about 5 meters away."

"On the count of 3, all of you move at once. 1, 2, 3!" All three of them moved from the points of positions, and Naruto had unfortunately succeeded on capturing the missing cat.

"Good job everyone, let's head back and report that Torah has been secured." "CAN YOU PLEASE STOP ACCEPTING THIS MISSION, I SWEAR I GOING TO HATE CATS AT THIS RATE!!" Naruto said as he screamed into the mic. To be honest he was not the only one, both his squad mates have begun to grow tired of having to chase the same cat, this capture making at the 8th time in a row they had this "mission"

The four of them headed over the Hokage's tower, or more specifically the side building of the tower. The side building is where shinboi of the Hidden Leaf receive all  E through A missions, certain missions are received elsewhere for private reasons. As the approached the building the cat began to scratch and bite Naruto, trying to escape its soon to be fate.

The moment Torah saw its owner run over and take them from Naruto's arms, they knew that all hopes of escaping were now gone and they accepted defeat. The 3rd Hokage just nodded his head as he picked up a piece of parchment. "The next mission for team 7 is to look after the chief counselors 3 year old, help his wife do the shopping, digging up potatoes, and-"

"I refuse to accept this! We are Genin not nanny's and babysitters." protested Naruto at the thought of more chores. Sakura and Sasuke were in silent agreement with Naruto, all while Kakashi had his eyes on a certain shinboi who was seated to Lord 3rds right.

"I do not remember teachers being involved to handle and task missions." It was then that the kids noticed who their Sensei was talking to. "Iruka Sensei what are you doing here?" Sakura asked curiously. Iruka sat to the right of the Hokage quickly going through the stack of papers in front of him. "It technically is not a thing teachers do, but when you need to find a new apartment you got to do what you got to do."

"Oh is the teacher pay that bad?" Kakashi asked calmly, though it was only meant with silence. It was very obvious that Iruka had no intention in answering his question and instead focused his attention to Naruto. "You three are indeed Genin, but that means you only get E and D missions. You must gain more experience to be able to handle C, B, A, and someday S missions." Naruto was getting a headache just  listening to Iruka Sensei, it was like he was still back at the academy all over again.

Before he could have a chance of complaining some more, the door slammed open. A little boy wrapped in an oversized blue scarf burst in with a small kunei knife in this his hand yelling out. "I CHALLENGE YOU TO A FIGHT TO BE HOKAGE!" The child barely ran four steps before he tripped over his scarf and fell face first to the floor.

The only thing that can be heard in the silent room was Naruto's failed attempt at stifling his laughter. The little boy lifted himself off the floor and glared back at him angrily. "How dare you laugh at me, do you even know who you're making fun of!"  Naruto looked down at him very seriously before losing his composure again.

"No, am I supposed to know everyone in this village?" The boy looked both angry and embarrassed at the lack of acknowledgement all while everyone else just looked back in shock. "I am Konohamaru  the honorable grandson of the 3rd Hokage, you should show more respect when speaking to me." 

If Konoharmaru expected Naruto to treat him the way everyone else does the moment they find out who he is, then he was in for a surprise because instead of the usual reaction to the news Naruto just continued laughing. "Congrats on being his grandchild kid, do me a favor tell him to give my team a good mission."

That seemed to only make Konoharmaru more angry. "You should show your future Hokage some respect!" Those words seemed to have set something off inside Naruto, because at those words all the laughter he had simply vanished. "Hate to break it to you, but you're going to have to wait until after I'm done as the Hokage."  Before either of them had the chance to speak some more, another person ran into the room.

"Forgive me Lord 3rd for I did not appear to notice that Konoharmaru had slipped from my notice." He bowed to the Hokage before heading over to take Konoharmaru. "One moment Ebisu, Iruka I want you to formally meet my grandson's private tutor." As the Hokage made the introduction Ebisu and Iruka formally greeted one another.

"When it comes to my grandsons education I will place that trust in you Iruka, as for the training part please work alongside Ebisu to fit both of your curriculums." Both Iruka and Ebisu gave a small nod in agreement.

"Well that's not fair, since when were private tutors allowed for kids while in the academy?" Sakura let out an anguished sigh. Is Naruto that dense on things? Before she could explain it to Naruto's lack of understanding, Kakashi stepped in. "Naruto, every heir from the prominent clans have private tutors that work along side the teachers of the academy. Even Sasuke had his some point ."

Naruto quickly looked over to Sasuke in surprise before looking away annoyed. "Well that's not fair, how can we call ourselves equals when the clan heirs have more training than we do?" His question was only meant with silence.

"If you don't mind Iruka, I will take Konoharmaru with me and I would like to speak to you about his training later." Ebisu gave a short bow before dragging the said boy away with a little resistance from Konoharmaru. The Hokage grabbed his smoke pipe, taking a deep breath before releasing the fumes "So where were we?"

"You were about to give us a mission that did not fall under baby sitting and farming." Naruto stated matter a factly, the Hokage simply laughed as Sakura hit him in the back of his head. "If that's the case allow me to look through this stack then." They each held their own breaths as he shuffled around the papers infront of him.

He stopped at certain assignment, have a small nod and handed it over to Kakashi. "Bring this client in please." With a quick bow Kakashi left the room to grab said client, and soon returned with an older looking man who reeked of alcohol. "This here is Tazuna, your job is to escort him out of the Hidden Leaf and back to his village."

A look of excitement ran through Sakura, Sasuke showed no acknowledgment, and Naruto had a mixed feeling of excitement and nervousness.

"So when will you kids be ready?"

Authors Note:
I am so sorry for not updating this story in so long, to put it simply I had really bad writers block after I graduated. I know the story is like a cliche for all the other fics like this out there but I just did not feel motivated to write, but for the last few days I just had a burst of energy and I just kept on writing. Once this chapter is posted I will immediately work on Chapter 23 and I hope that chapter 23 comes out the same week if not soon 🙏🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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