Chapter 4

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TW: Graphic wording of dead people (sort of), mention of blood, death, some cursing, corpses, hyperventilate that happens.
If I missed any, please comment so that I can edit and add it in with the TWs

The room was silent for only a moment before havoc erupted. "GET THE ANBU TO THE COMPOUND IMMEDIATELY, GRAB ANY SURVIVORS!"

The shinobi quickly left to fulfill the Hokage's orders. The hokage heard a crash, turning around to see a cold look come across Iruka's face "Iruka, I need you to-" "I am going with you, I have a student who is an Uchiha."

"Iruka, that's the reason why you cannot-" the hokage was once again interrupted, "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you move."  The hokage was stunned at the answer, so much so that he did not put up a fight as Iruka ran right past him and after the shinobi.

Cold windy air greeted Iruka as he ran towards the compound, "How many Anbu have arrived?" The shinobi looked behind him in surprise before looking back and answering him, "Not very sure, but there are a few teams scattered about hoping to catch the culprit while looking for survivors."

Iruka gave him a quick nod as he picked up his speed, in mere seconds the said shinobi was left behind as Iruka made his way over. The gates that were once full of bustling people were quiet, life snuffed out in a heartbeat, and the ripe smell of blood was the only evidence of such; not a single sound could be heard.

Just as he was about to approach the gates, he was stopped by the same Anbu Shniboi he saw earlier today. "You cannot pass through; we are going through a wide sweep, and you will intervene."  Iruka paid them no mind. "I have a student that lives here, I have to see if he is alive so, please allow me to go through."

"You cannot pass through, we are going through a wide sweep, and you will intervene," they said once again and with that mask on Iruka could not see their expression.  "I have to see if my student is alive so, please allow me to go through." They were about to respond when one of their comrades came up from behind.

"Captain Hatake, we have done our initial sweep; all have perish- Sir this is an authorized zone, come back!" Iruka ran right through the moment he heard those words. He knew that the other two would be coming after him in a moment, so he took this opportunity to look around the compound.

So many dead bodies littered the streets, all ranging from young children to the elderly each killed in more brutal horrific ways than the other person. Iruka could feel bile rising to his throat, but he pushed it back, he had to find Sasuke, he had to see that he was alive, and if the worst did happen that he passed peacefully.

At that moment one of them caught up with Iruka, gripping his shoulders tightly so that he could not move. "That is enough you have broken the protocol that we have put in place, continuing to do so will have you in a holding cell till release."  That sounds like Captain Hatake. Was it Hatake? I don't know nor care, I have to find Sasuke. It was obvious that Iruka was not paying attention to anything that the caption was saying.

The caption let out a loud sigh, regretting what he was about to do. He raised his hands, fingers pointed to the back of Iruka's neck.....


Both quickly turned around to the sound of the voice and Iruka ran to where the sound came from with Caption Hatake cursing and following in pursuit.  The voice ended up belonging to a boy who was thrashing against the tight hold of two fellow Anbu shinobi.

"What the fucking hell are you doing to my student!"  Iruka rushed forward, pushing the other two back and grabbing Sasuke from their grasp. "Sasuke can you hear me?"  Sasuke seemed out of it, he was terrified, trembling, his throat going raw with all his screaming, and his eyes....

They were frantically searching for something, his eyes landing on spot for a second before moving on to a different spot. "Sasuke I need you to look at me." Iruka tried again to gain Sasuke's attention, not noticing that Caption Hatake was looking at him.

"I HAVE TO CATCH HIM!" Sasuke began to hyperventilate; it was clear that he was really out of it. "Catch who Sasuke?" Iruka turned around to look at who spoke.

"I...I....Itachi, he- mom and dad were on the floor.....I have to go needs help with dinner....I need to train...let me..." It was at that moment that Sasuke began to vomit all over the pavement.

The moment the Anbu heard who had committed the massacre they immediately left to go and report it, only Caption Hatake and Iruka stayed with Sasuke "You did very well considering what just happened, it will take you a few days to fully process what has happened here tonight during that time I want you to tell me every single detail that happened here tonight."

"The hell is wrong with you Hatake, this child has just gone through an ordeal, he witnessed the mass annihilation of his cl-" Iruka stopped his ranting when he felt Sasuke grasp his shirt "I'll...I'll tell you everything right now just....clothes....I need a change of clothes..." he was muttering some other things in his pbreathe.

It was at the moment that both of them noticed the state Sasuke was in, his shirt was torn in several places and was covered in dried blood, dirt, and vomit; same could be said for his pants.

"Of course, I'll go fetch you some while you stay with the caption, okay?"  Sasuke nodded and told Iruka where to go.

Iruka walked to Sasuke's room, grabbing the things he requested and quickly made his way back to them; but not before going to the kitchen. The kitchen was empty, no meal had been prepared or made before the massacre; this won't do, by the looks of it Sasuke has not eaten dinner yet, there has to be something for me to give him.

Iruka quickly walked over to them, and then stopped in his tracks, there standing next to Caption Hatake was none other than the 3rd Hokage.


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