Chapter 7

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The next chapter or the next 2-3 chapters will be the last ones about the past and, going forward to when they graduate.

Being away from my students for that long had begun to drive me crazy and with the assignments the Anbu gave me made me want to dig up my own grave and sleep in it.

The alarm was ringing at the top of its lungs causing me to get up from my bed and turn it off as I let out a deep groan. I walked over to the kitchen to grab some food, when I heard someone knocking on my door.

I grabbed my toast as I headed over to the door. "Hello, how can I hel-huh?" Outside my door was a package with no indication of who sent it and where they went.

I peeked my head further out of the door to see if the mysteries person was still there before picking up the package and setting it down on the kitchen table. I don't have time for this. I need to get ready for today.


To say that the Iruka's students missed him was an understatement, they were overjoyed that he was finally back. Ino was not holding back on throwing the other teacher under the bus for how they taught the class, while others were waiting to get back to the original schedule.

Iruka surveyed his class before beginning the lessons for today with a huge grin.


It was only 2 weeks and yet for some reason Sasuke and Naruto were fighting more than they usually did. Most students and teachers were not holding them back with the excuse of Sasuke's trauma, but not Iruka.

After the day was over, he held both of them back from class to speak with them. "I know it's been only 2 weeks, but what happened today will not ever happen in my class again." "But Sensei Sasuke started it, it's not my fault he can't share."

Sasuke simply glared at Naruto as he began speaking to Iruka "Sensei, I was using it and was not ready to give it over, it's not my fault he is impatient." Naruto was visibly getting madder and before he could do anything Iruka stepped between them.

"That's enough from both of you, behave yourselves tomorrow or you both will have detention until you both calm down." Both looked back at Iruka and simply nodded their heads and left the class.

Iruka quickly packed up his things and headed home.


He unlocked his door and slipped inside. I needed a nap or tea as he made his way towards the kitchen. He stopped and looked at the package that he had left on the counter.

I should open that first before doing anything. With that thought in mind he dropped his things on the kitchen table and went to grab a knife. Iruka used said knife to open the package and peeked inside. The thing inside was wrapped up neatly and on top of it appeared to be an envelope.

Iruka pulled out the envelope, like the package it had no name of the sender or even a stamp. He turned it around and opened it to see its contents.

You must be very tired and sore for the last 2 weeks, so I give you these to relax your muscles and some calming green tea as you recover.

Hope you enjoy them.

Iruka looked through the package and sure enough a box of green tea, muscle relaxers of some kind, and oils were found in the box. How thoughtful, but who gave this to me? Iruka only thought about that for a moment before taking the pack of green tea and began making himself some.


"Would it hurt you to be nice?" "Yes, it will '' Naruto was getting angrier the more Sasuke gave his blunt answers as they walked out of the academy and back to their respected residents. "Look, I really don't want to keep fighting because me and detention are not exactly friends." Sasuke looked back at Naruto "Gosh really? Here I thought you guys were close."

Naruto looked back in complete shock "You really are not that nice you know that right?" "How strange, I thought I was a saint." At that Naruto just picked up his pace heading over to a lake that was nearby some park. "Why are you following me?" "You're not that special to be followed, this is my spot when I get out of school." Naruto let out a groan as Sasuke continued on his way and sat down by the pier that was facing a lake.

"Can you please leave; you're ruining my quiet time." "I find it hard to believe Sasuke, now move over." Naruto pushed Sasuke aside so that he could sit down. They ignored each other as they watched the sun set, when the sun was almost gone Naruto got up and was leaving when both turned around to the sound of something being thrown into the water.

They looked at each other for only a moment before they looked at where the sound came from. There was a little box slowly sinking, the top was wide open, and the light sound of barking was heard. At that moment both dived into the water, quickly swimming over to the sinking box and grabbing it.

Once they were back on land they looked closely in the box and noticed two little puppies, both were very soaked and shivering. "Who would do something like this, your poor things." Sasuke picked up one of them and warped him under his shirt. "You grab the second, come on, let's go." Naruto quickly followed after Sasuke.


After visiting the vet Naruto and Sasuke found out that both puppies were boys, they were siblings, and the puppies were at least a few weeks old. When questioned on who it did, they were unable to answer because of the little sunlight available. "You should take one of them, don't want them to be separated." Sasuke said as he was petting them both. "I don't know the first thing about raising a puppy and my apartment is not that good with keeping cold out." Sasuke looked back at Naruto "I guess that we can help each other with the puppies, but at least wrap the puppy with a blanket; sleep in the same bed if you have to."

Naruto rolled his eyes as he nodded his head. He went to grab the puppy that he saved when Sasuke spoke again "What should their names be?"

"To be honest I have no clue."

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