Chapter 13

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Sleep came roughly after everything that happened tonight. I kept waking up throughout the night screaming, the image of a tall cage flashed in my mind every time I closed my eyes. I needed Miso, needed him so badly but I knew fully well that I was being watched.

Being followed made me sort of uncomfortable yet I was so used to it that I did not mind. However, I knew fully well that both Sasuke and Miso's brother, Kenji would not approve of it. If they even found out they both would flip unlike Miso, who like me, simply did not care. I guess the saying like owner like a pet or something similar to those words are true.

Ever since the...incident with the 3rd Hokage a few years back, he stopped personally sending me my allowance and instead made someone else drop it off for me. I knew fully well that once I start my missions as a Genin it will either slowly or completely stop altogether.

It pissed me off so greatly that I could not even fathom how I will be able to make a living because let's be honest Genins make so little money that it should just be considered no money at all.

I closed my eyes and tried taking deep breaths to calm down but the sounds of birds chirping in the early morning and the people watching me shuffle around was all that I could focus on and it made me more mad than anything else.

After a while, I simply gave up and opened my eyes to look at my clock. 6:30

great just had to wait for at least 2 more hours before seeing the old man I let out a groan, I felt so bored.

I did not have the time to look at the scrolls that I took last night after the whole fiasco and being watched was not helping my curiosity but I knew fully well that I had to return those scrolls soon before they found out they were missing. I also knew that looking now wouldn't help and make things worse for me.

I could feel a headache forming from all the thinking I put myself through. I closed my eyes and laid back down on my bed hoping to get at least some shut-eye before Iruka Sensei came back and took me to the Hokage to get registered to become a Genin and take my picture. The next day would be the final day I go to the academy to form my teammates, I felt myself smile at that thought and closed my eyes.....


The silence that hung in the Hokage's office was deafening as he processed the new information coming to light from the last 24 hours. After what felt like hours he let out a sigh and stood up. He slowly approached Iruka and Naruto, who were both very tense.

"From what Caption Hatake has told me along with what Iruka provided I would personally like to congratulate you, Naruto, on passing and becoming a Genin please wait a moment for me to gather the things needed to take your picture." At that, he walked out to call someone and Iruka gave Naruto a small smile.

"See I told you that it will happen." Naruto just blinked and let out a laugh "You were right Sens- what are you doing" Naruto stared in shock as Iruka untied his Hidden Leaf headband and wrapped it around his head. "You have earned this Naruto." He said while smiling deeply at him.

"Thank you so much Sensei!" Naruto was smiling from ear to ear as he embraced Iruka in a tight hug. "You deserved it, I'm so freaking proud of you," Iruka whispered as he hugged him tighter, meaning everything he said from last night and at this moment. The last 24 hours for them both have been an emotional rollercoaster, but in the end, they made it through.

"Now let's get your picture taken Naruto."


I quickly ran down the streets, I felt too energized to be even bothered with the nasty looks thrown my way. Nothing could take away the smile on my face as I made my way over to the apartments. Once I arrived at my destination I reached my hand out to knock on the door, though before I could even reach the door it was swung open.

"Where the hell were you for the last two and a half days huh?" I felt myself tense up at the sound of his voice.

I am so screwed

I opened my mouth to answer but before I could even talk I was pulled inside by my ear as he continued his ranting "You told me to look after Miso for the exams, I did that, but afterward not a single word or contact. I don't care that you did not pass but that does not mean you dumped poor Miso on me for longer than agreed upon-" Sasuke stopped his ranting when he saw me beaming up at him.

"Why are you so hap-is that a Hidden Leaf headband?" He looked up at my head in shock. "I mastered the shadow clone just after the exam and so I went to the Hokage with Iruka Sensei and showed them both and then BAM!" I quickly explained as I showed him the headband.

Sasuke simply closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He did that twice before he opened his eyes, and gave me a beaming smile as he spoke. "So you're telling me that you made me look after Miso for two and a half days because you wanted to show your shadow clone?" I nodded my head in agreement finally glad to see that Sasuke understood. Although, it was at that moment Sasuke's beaming smile vanished in an instant.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!" He yelled as he grabbed my shirt, roughly shaking me back and forth "CONGRATS ON PASSING BUT YOU COULD HAVE STILL TAKEN MISO DURING ALL THAT YOU MORON!" My ears were ringing from all his yelling and very soon I was getting a headache. Though very soon I was screaming back at him as well.

"WELL FORGIVE ME FOR ASKING SASUKE BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I WAS PLANNING ON COMING HERE TO GET MISO BUT THAT STUIPD PIECE OF SHIT MIZU-HOKAGE I HAD TO WORK HARDER!!" Sasuke pushed me back, he looked startled "What does Mizuki Sensei have to do with you getting passing?"

Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap
I had one job!

I tried to come up with some quickly "Nothing, he had nothing to do with it-" Sasuke interrupted me very quickly. "Are you the reason why he disappeared?" I tried to talk but he was just on a roll with all these questions.

"He was taken off the roster from the Academy, his students are now with a new Sensei and are being questioned, his house is on lock and everything that was his is now under investigation." He rambled on and on as he paced back and forth, though after the last question he turned his attention back at me. "So, are you?"


"How the hell do you know all this Sasuke?" All Sasuke did was simply point to the ground, shrugging "He lives right below." I just stared back at him in shock. "Okay, so I'm going to take Miso home now." As I tried to move Sasuke blocked my way. "Just answer the question Naruto is not that hard honestly."

"I don't know what you're talking about Sasuke and if you drop it I'll look after Kenji for How many days do you need but only once deal?" I said as I raised my hand. After a moment Sasuke just let out a defeated sigh "You got a deal, go and grab Miso."

I let out a sigh of relief and quickly grabbed Miso, though not without giving Kenji a little snack behind Sasuke's back, and made my way to the door. "Oh by the way don't be late tomorrow Naruto." I looked back at Sasuke confused.

"Don't be late for what Sasuke?"

"Tomorrow we will be assigned our new Sensei and squad mates you dobe."

Authors note:
Very sorry for the late update this week was final review week and this upcoming week will be finals. I do not know if I will be able to post a chapter during that time but I do want to wish you guys a very (early) Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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